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Jisung simply wanted to look at the lions. He wanted to sketch a large feline, alone, by himself, without disturbance. The gods above, however, had other plans. They presented him with yet another beautiful human male. He would have sat in awe of the boy for his freckles and cute smile, if it wasn't for the fact that he'd already used up all the energy for Hyunjin and Quokka Keeper. Honestly, why were such eye-attracting guys stuck at a zoo? They should be on a runway in heeled boots with jeans and a stylish overpriced hat. Forget the shirt.
Jisung was sure the boys worked enough at the zoo to have an eight pack. Perhaps that was an exaggeration but in the end he'd never know. The artist couldn't help himself from sighing. Another gorgeous specimen to be jealous of. It wasn't fair. He'd seen Hyunjin, a perfect sculpture. Then the guy with freckles, an angel. And although Jisung hadn't seen the face of the Quokka care taker, he held no doubt he was on another level.
Just to make sure, he made his way to the enclosure to seek out the keeper. Just as he suspected, when lunch time rolled around, the employee came out and greeted the animals like always. It was strange how the artist began to become familiar with the mans schedule. It wasn't on purpose. He just always sat near the Quokka exhibit. Unlike usual, though, Jisung took the courage to be closer to the animals home. That in turn got him closer to the keeper.
Now if Hyunjin was a sculpture, and the freckled boy was an angel, that Quokka guy was a greek god. Not just a greek god, he was something beyond that. He had a light carmel hair color that brought out his warm brown eyes, his lashes were longer than the average male's, he was in amazing shape(as Jisung had already known), and his lips were perfectly plush.
Jisung couldn't help but be confused on what exactly he should label the man, or If he should be labeled at all. Some beauty was just too breathtaking to name. Jisung was entranced. He was sure of it. The Quokka keeper looked so oddly plain compared to Hyunjin too. If you were to compare the two, Hyunjin stood out way more. To Jisung, the keeper was at an advantage. You would either pass him by without a second thought or drool over him.
"Close your mouth." Jisung hadn't realized his mouth was open. When he heard his friend say it was, he snapped it shut and looked away from the exhibit. "What? It's not like you've never seen a hot guy before," Hyunjin continued.
It was true. He'd seen a plentiful amount of good looking guys. Jeongin too was on the side of being down right fabulous. Jisung shook his head and made his way back to the bench. "Just out of curiosity, does this zoo have like, a F4, or A3 thing going on? I swear I meet a new handsome guy everyday and at this point I'm guestioning if I'm actually dead or not," Jisung asked when he sat down.
Hyunjin followed him and replied with, "Not that I'm aware of. I mean, there are some pretty attractive guys, but there's no cliche group. If there was I bet we'd name it H3."
Jisung rolled his eyes. "H3?"
"Handsome three." The artist shouldn't have been surprised. Hyunjin probably daydreamed about the group of hotties being best friends and wearing school uniforms. "You aren't even curious who I'm talking about? Maybe you ran in to one of them, besides me of course," Hyunjin said.
"I could honestly care less," responded Jisung.
"Well, anyway. Is he your muse or something? Is he why you come to the Quokka exhibit? I could introduce you to him. We're friends." Hyunjin rambled on and on.
"No. My friend says I look like a Quokka. He left me at this exhibit on our first visit and it's comfortable. I just keep finding myself back here," Jisung told the blonde. Now that he thought about it, the Quokka exhibit was usually loud. Why did he find it comfortable if so many people were around?
"Boring. I thought I could play match maker. Are you into guys? I tend to assume stuff," Hyunjin babbled. Jisung wasn't used to the hyperactive attitude of his. He'd only ever seen him calm and collected. Maybe something could have happened to him lately.
"I'm not interested in relationships. In the future though, I do imagine myself with a man, yes."
Hyunjin grinned brightly and bumped his shoulder with the artist. "I knew you swung that way. I've got a good gaydar. Or maybe it's Felix rubbing off on me. Either way, you look like you'd stand well next to a foriegn guy." Hyunjin boxed around Jisung's face with his fingers. "Do you like tall British guys?"
Jisung puffed his cheeks. "I don't like anyone."
He expected either a whining or a humming of understandment. Instead he got a laugh. "Your friend was right. You do look like a Quokka."
Annoyed. That was what Jisung felt for the next day. People were always comparing him to some animal. Couldn't he just be Han Jisung? The struggling artist who couldn't paint with color. Well, maybe being remembered as Quokka boy wasn't such a bad thing in comparison to reality. He let the thought drift away in his oil painting class. What he needed to be worrying about wasn't his title but what he would paint for his next grade.
Jisung let his hand take the lead. Line after line he began creating a picture. Only an hour later did he realize what he'd drawn. More precisely, who he'd drawn. The Quokka Keeper. His cute round face, his unforgettable upturned eyes, and his somewhat messy hair-it was undoubtedly the zoo keeper. Why had he drawn the zoo keeper? Jisung buried his face in his arm out of embarrassment.
It wasn't like anyone would know who he was drawing. That wasn't why he was flustered. It was simply because he'd done it without thinking. When he drew Hyunjin, he had been staring right at the boy. But for the keeper, it was straight from memory. Had he really done that? He let himself drown in the realization for a minute before getting back to work. He couldn't fret over it too much. He still needed to paint it.
Blue. He hadn't used blue yet. The supposed to be brownie colored eyes became a dark blue mixed with a sea green, his hair light blues of different shades, and his lips a soft pastel layered with white for the small details. He drew a few words on the bottom. The man of waves. That was what he would title it. He didn't understand the meaning himself, but it seemed to fit in his mind.
"Jisung, that's beautiful," his teacher complimented out of nowhere. "The strokes you made to create his hair are outstanding. And the color, it's so creative. He really looks like he came from the ocean. No, he is the ocean!"
Old art teachers talked too much. Couldn't they just say he did good and let him go home? "Why, we oughta put it in the newspaper."
Who even read the newspaper anymore? Jisung placed the painting in her hands. He didn't care what she did with it. "Put it under my alias, J.One, please," he told her.
As soon as classes ended he rushed home to hide away in his room. He'd talked to far too many people and needed to recharge his social battery. He did so by listening to music. A few nice ballads to calm himself down enough to drift into a safe space. The much needed place of comfort wasn't what he expected, however. It was the keeper that showed up.
He was holding a Quokka in his arms, staring into Jisung's eyes. Jisung wondered what it was like to have a boyfriend. He'd never had one. To be fair, he never wanted one nor felt the need for one. He wanted to love himself before loving another person. That was his qualification for getting a boyfriend. Since it still hadn't happened, there was no opportunity for a relationship.
Even so, he daydreamed about it on occasion. What was his type? If he had to choose between a dorky dude or a jock, who would he pick? None of the cheesy questions were ever answered. Even when Jeongin persisted that everyone had an ideal type, Jisung refused it. He didn't like a specific kind of person. He liked a lot of people. He loved nobody. Not yet at least.
When the day did come for him to find love, he knew it wouldn't be someone that could be classified in one word. It would be a guy, no a man, with a big heart and loving gaze. He would make Jisung laugh and smile. He would be the type of person he could trust without second guessing. Last but not least, he would be misunderstood.
Jisung himself was misunderstood, therefore they would fit together as a perfect pair. But then again, men like that didn't exist. If they did, the girls were all over them and they were either straight or gay without being aware. Jisung rolled over on his bed. There was no way to describe his dream guy perfectly. He was just a dream that would never be a reality. He was meant to be indescribable. Just like the greek god looking zoo keeper.

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