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A lot happened after Minho told Jisung what his mother had been hiding from him all his life. Minho, Hyunjin, and Seungmin planned and developed a pettinf zoo for children and adults with disabilities. Minho was especially motivated to do it, hoping he could help anyone going through a struggle. Jisung fell so much more in love with him because of that.
It'd been hard to adjust to the whole Autism diagnosis, but when he looked it up and studied it, it made a lot of sense. He was sensitive to taste, texture, and smell. And noises were one of his biggest nightmares. Anything too loud gave him an anxiety attack. Which was common among people with Autism. However, Jisung was high functioning. Meaning, he could still be independant and study art. Which he did.
He worked extremely hard for the rest of the six months, occasionally painting with Taehyun just to push himself out of his comfort zone a bit so he could work on his social skills. His jokes got funnier and he understood things a lot more. He could finally differentiate love for a friend and the type of love he felt for Minho.
They were extremely different. Jeongin had been the one to help him with that. Jeongin had been convinced Christopher was his soulmate, but after talking with Hyunjin and Seungmin, he was able to realize they were platonic soulmates. Jisung had to agree. It was like two brothers. They were so naturally comfortable together and Chris was always protecting him like an older brother would. Or, as one should.
Jisung got jealous sometimes. Apparently he was an extremely jealous person. Minho had caught onto that on their third month anniversary. Jisung had been glaring holes into the waiter at the restaraunt they ate at. But, in Jisung's defense, the waiter was flirting. To make Jisung relax a little bit he decided to get Jisung's cat mark tattooed next to the soulmate mark he was born with. He said, "We're never apart now. A solid whole." Jisung got the blue squirrel tattooed on his wrist a few days later for Minho's birthday. It was like a promise ring but better. Jisung complained for days about how bad it hurt.
When the year ended the schooled asked Jisung to stay for another year on scholarship and of course he excepted. Jeongin and he applied for citizenship, believe it or not. They both liked the way their lives had turned out in Australia. They had friends and their careers were taking off. Jeongin became a freelance photographer. Meaning, he took pictures of whatever he thought would be enjoyable. His first job ended up being Felix and Changbin's wedding, and then Beomgyu's award ceremony for winning a web cartoon competition. Of course, he also took a bunch of pictures when Jisung and Taehyun's art became recognized by some of the best art critques in the world.
When he finished his second year of college he moved in with Minho. Tundra and Cedar played until they passed out and Jisung became even more obsessed with painting on Minho's body. Minho just let him do whatever he wanted. Though there were a few times he ruined the art by not waiting for it to dry and impaitently paiting Jisung with his own artwork. He'd gotten so good at it that Jisung didn't actually mind being called his masterpiece. If he'd heard it two years prior he would have hated it. But Minho was Minho, and whatever he said sounded like music to Jisung's ears.
Jisung's favorite moment was the day Minho proposed. It wasn't anything grand and thank god it hadn't been in public. Instead, Minho too him to the butterfly exhibit, kissed him, and then dropped to one knee. He didn't even say anything. He just waited for Jisung to show that he was aware of what was going on. Then, when Jisung started crying, he chuckled and slipped the engagment ring on his finger.
Jisung smacked him a lot for ruining the romantic aspect of a proposal but if he were to be honest with himself it was beyond romantic. It was night time and the stars were showing through the building. Fairy lights lit up the rest of the dark areas where the moon couldn't, and the butterflies were hypnotizing. Apparently he'd gotten permission to take Jisung there past work hours. Minho was always full of bad ideas.
After all, he'd invited Jisung's mother to their wedding. It was awkward. Jisung didn't know how to respond to the situation. When his mom hugged him and cried, almost ruining his white tux, he finally broke down.
She apologized for everything she'd ever done and promised never to involve Jiseok in his life-it was no surprise he was still in her life. After all, she loved her children unconditionally. And he knew what that meant thanks to Minho.
But the highlight of the wedding wasn't meeting his mom, cutting the cake, or even saying cringey vows. It was the man that came a little late with a large smile on his face.
"I told you Australia would be good for you," he said.
Jisung smiled wide and offered his highschool art teacher a hug. It was the longest hug he'd given anyone but Minho. And Jisung told him, "Thank you for changing my life. I found my happily ever after."

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