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Emmett P.O.V

Class was really boring, even thought it was funny watching Edward Flirt with a girl get nowhere with it. Also Alice fainted which was cool, and the doctor came down like he just walked out one of those girls magazines. Well his wife was smoking hot to, and I was Edward like at her. {Ha ha!!!!!!!!!}

However rose is my type, blonde hair with curves, lips so kissable, and dark blue eyes that where almost violet. Also she was flirting with me score 10, can't wait to see her on Monday. {can't believe I want to go to school for a girl.

"How was your lesson honey" Mum asked walking in to my room. "Great easy when someone my age helps"

"that good" she said looking at my room "also clean your room or no Pokémon" she ordered

No. no. no .no Pokémon that is abuse to me and cleaning up my room nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

hay i want to write more but here hope you like :) miss you all promise to write more when can miss you all xxxxxxx.

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