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A/N: Izuku's POV unless said otherwise

It all happened soo fast and now... Now it's over. I had no where to run, nothing. It was over for me and I knew it before it was really over. 

They really forgot me...

It's not worth it...

I should survive this first....

But how....

I can't get out...

The truth was that day at the USJ building the LOV didn't attack to actually get All Might down but to get me. Appaerntly they found one of my notebooks and wanted me in their team. Too bad I wasn't interrested and that was what put me in this situation now.

The cage I was locked in was my own prison. I had a quirk surpression collar on me and I was tortured or so I wanted to say but it all started with no food. They thought they would break my spirit with that but how wrong they were. 

Food was precious and I knew that you can survive 2 weeks without it. So I sat there in the cell and just counted the days. Was I bored? Yes but I had hope that the heroes will find me, that Aizawa my home room teacher will find me.

That was only the first week tho.

It got worse.

Day by day, the light I had in my eyes started to die.

It was over and I knew it.

The truth was so simple and yet I was denying it.

They were not searching for me or they would have found me until now.

That was all there was to the story.

At first I started wondering what would happen to me but I soon realized it was all just useless so I stopped making myself go insane. Instead I focused on the hope I had in myself. I wished and prayed for them to find me. Up till now nothing happened. The LOV were leaving me alone and I hoped it would stay this way. Question was only for how long.

How long was I about to hold on.

How long would I manage to stay sane.

How long till I would break.


I couldn't break.

I had to stay strong.

I couldn't give them what they wanted.

My resolve was final but little did I know what would happen to me after the two weeks where I barely was alive and week. They really tried to kill me and the reality was all so clear to me. Only because I was starving and all alone in a cell for two weeks didn't mean that I wasn't myself. I could think and I was still breathing. That was it.


The start of the third week was different. I wished at that point to be dead. It was all so damn hard. The first day of the third week they came in after leaving me alone for two weeks giving me something light to eat. Of course I refused that and instead they decided to force feed me. That was an experience I never wanted to have at all. Ever after that I ate when they game me food. 

That wasn't it tho. They would start beating me up like Kacchan used to do it and they would ask me over and over the same question.

"You ready to join us?!"

My answere was "No." No matter what they did, I would alsways answere with no. It was all I could do. I couldn't lose my final resolve too. I just couldn't. Call me stubborn but I knew already that this would be my end and I was not about to give them the satisfaction they wanted.

So at the middle of the third week they started to take turns coming into my cell. First it was Toga in the morning stabbing me over and over again.

Then it was Dabi who would burn my skin and leave me there all alone shivering and breathing heavily. It was nothing new. I knew the feeling of burned flesh all to well thanks Bakugo anyways. However that didn't stop him from going on and on.

After that it was Shigaraki's turn. He would come in and ask me over and over again before inetragting pieces of my skin and flesh. 

This went on and on and I started to lost count as my mind started to get foggy.

Is this it?

Is this my end?

Is this how I am supposed to end?!


At least I didn't die as a villain.

Still what about my friends...

Were they never looking for me?

Were they never actually searching?


Am I nothing to them....

I guess this is it...

No one will cry at my funaral...

That is the only thing I regret.


Mom would cry, I think.

Well it's over now anyways.

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