The darkness within

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You know when nothing changes when you start to lose all senses. I could no longer feel the pain anymore. My eyes were already soo tired that I just wanted to rest but they never let me rest at all. In fact each time I thought they were over they would start from new and try to be crueler and cruerl.

It just didn't hurt anymore.

That was the moment when I knew that everything was meaningless.

Life was meaningless.

There was nothing awaiting me if I would go on any further and just gave up. It was not only that which made me gave up but the room, the cage, the lost hope, the time I spent in here, it all made me think and there was nothing I came to conclude other than it was over.

My time was over.

That simple.

It also didn't helped that the LOV brought a nomu into the room only because I refused. There was nothing I could say anymore. My voice was gone, my will to live was gone. They could have shot me and I would have welcomed it. There was really nothing they could have done for me more than this.

At least it is finally over.

I wonder how it feels like to die being crushed or ripped into pieces.

Well I will find out.

I know how broken bones feel after all.

This won't be any different now.

I can't feel any pain anyways.

As I was there awaiting my own death, life was rushing right in front of my eyes. It was my end and I knew this much. So when I closed my eyes I started to remember the nice parts of my life. There weren't much but I liked them.

I will miss you mom.

Thanks for carying for me.

Thanks for bringing me up.

Thank you soo much.

I will never forget anything you did for me.

I was weak since I was getting barely food and I was getting hurt each and every day by now. There was no strength left in my body. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't fight at all. This was it. I knew it and yet it felt a bit wrong. 

Was I regretting this?


It would certainly be a lie if I would say I wanted to die since I wanted to live. I didn't wanted to die here but seeing as there was no future left for me this would certainly be the best thing. So by all due respect, who was I to hold on to life when all it would take from me was my hope and dreams. Not only that but it would only bring me pain.


That wasn't life.

I hated it.

That was certainly not worth a life to live.


It was something else. I was a prisoner here and I couldn't do anything against it all. My quirk was done, my life was done, my hope was gone. Now what did I had left. Was it really woth it? In my current state I didn't think like that. NO. What I wanted was death.

The shattering of my bones could be heard and echoed in the room. A scream which was destored and filled with more drowning noises escaped my mouth as this nomu just hit my chest. My rips broke for sure. Breathing started to get hard.

Yeah. There was really nothing left of life anyways. There was no reason to contune.

As my vision started to get clouded it all stopped all of the sudden. Not only that bu I felt someones touch. My eyes didn't wanted to work on me anymore and they were not the only ones that refuesd to work. 

???: NO! don...ive...up!

No matter what or who this was. I didn't cared as I closed my eyes. A tear fell down and I felt as it was rolling down the side of my head while I was there. Oh this was finally over.

Sweet sweet rest. It finally came over me and I stopped feeling everything or could realize what was happening. Yes this was it. This was what I wanted. It felt nice getting some rest now. No being starved, no hunger, no pain, nothing was bothering me. Just rest. This was why they say that rest was so damn relaxing and something important. I got it now.

I got it and would love to stay in this darkness forever.

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