What do I know?!

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Aizawa's POV:

It was late and I knew it very well. We should have saved the kid earlier, we as heroes had a responsibility for him but we failed to do so. The thing was, after what happened, my class didn't report him as missing and since they all got a weeks off, no one payed attention to it. Only 3 days after the second week of him missing did I react. After that we tried our best to find him and it still took us a weeks time.

I could see it when I had him in my hands. He gave up. His eyes were looking straight at me but there wasn't any glimmer in them. He was dead inside and he didn't feel anything. Just the look I saw in his eyes ws enough for me to tear up. After that I stayed by his side all the time.

Me: Problem child?

The moment he started to move a bit, I looked at him and petted his head. He really went through too much. The injuries he had was too much for him to get better. Recovery did her best but there was a limit as of how much she could do and it was there.

Me: Hey, Izuku...

I tried to be as soft with the child as possible but he just looked at me, no smile nothing. There was just no reaction at all. It hurt seeing him like that and I could have teared up right there. All I saw was a shell of a body and this was bad.

Me: Izuku, I am so sorry.

That was something I had to say.

It was my fault.

I should have checked on them.

I should have seen him missing.

I should have been there for him.

Yet I failed.

We heroes failed.

No, the world failed him.

Me: You are safe now.

He just looked at me, there was no reaction at all and it worried me a lot. So I decided I should try and get his focus since I wasn't sure if he was even hearing me at all. Never did I see anyone like him before. I mean he looked dead but he was clearly alive right in front of me. 

Me: It took me long but I found you. Don't worry they can'T get to you anymore. The whole base was raided and we got the LOV. Your suffering wasn't in vain. 

Again nothing. Not even a blink.

He was just staring off in the distance and it was clear to me that this was worse than what I thought. 

Me: Problem child... I mean Izu... Is there anything you want to say?

I knew there wouldn't be anything and I didn't expected him to answere at all. So I let it be there open. Since he was way too weak right now, RG told me that he wasn't able to stomach anything. She even told me that it was a miracle that he was still alive. From what she gathered he should have been dead but he was still alive.

So in the end he was put on soo many machines to support his life. Otherwise RG told me she didn't knew if he would make it even an hour without them for now. It all took time to heal and the most important part which I also knew was that I had to get back his spirit up. Without it, his body would only deteriate and he would certainly not survie this.

Thinking that my class, his friends could help out, I called them over but the moment they were there they started to talk about things and not care for him. It was the very first time I saw it.

Was he always like this?

I didn't know.

The more I saw them talk about different stuff, I started to think what I knew about this problem child. It wasn't much. Not at all. I even came to the conclussion that I didn't know anything at all. 

Me: Problem child, is there anything you want? Should I call your mother or anything?

Izuku: No...

It was the very first respond that I got but the way he said it broke my heart. For the very first time, he looked at me but there were tears in his eyes. No matter what he was thinking right now, it wasn't good and I knew it so I went ahead and hugged him.

Me: It's okay. It's okay... I am here problem child. I won't leave you alone.

This was the last thing I could do for him after all.


That was what he needed the most right now and I was sure to be there for him.

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