One slip up... it's over...

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Aizawa's POV:

After the kid was alseep I talked with Hound Dog for a while since I noticed one thing. He didn't had any reaction to anything but the fluffy blanket I put on the bed to keep him warm. This was a sign and it was a beginning. So after I talked with Hound Dog for a good while I decided to get Izuku a pet.

You may call it a emotional support pet. There were a lot of dogs and cats but what he needed was something else and I knew that. So when I decided to get him such a pet, I ignored the training these support pets have and went to a pet shop to get him something ordinary.

Me: Izu, I am sorry for leaving you alone for now but I got something for you.

He didn't react at all like the past couple of times which was to be expected and so I just took the small animal out of the cage and place it on his lap. The reaction was immediately. Not only did he look at the bunny but he also started to pet it too.

Izuku: Kawai....

Me: You like her?

Izuku: She is cute.

It was the very first conversation we had and it made me soo happy. The things he liked and dislike were hard to tell but it was visible to a school eyes like I had. So I made sure to take note of these things and avoide the things he didn't liked at all.

Me: She doesn't have a name yet. How about naming ger?

Izuku: Yuki.

Me: A nice name.

To be completly honest the name fitted the fluffy small white rabbit and it wasn't scared in his hands at all. The contrary was the case, it looked as if the bunny was actually enjoying it and wanted more. 

Me: She's yours now. Take good care of her.

Izuku: Mine?!

Not only was this the first time we talked together in a while but he also turned towards me and I could see it. As small as the glimmer in his eyes was, it was there and it was important to keep it there. The will to live which he had completly lost, the shimmer in it, it was slowly returning back and I could see it.

Of course I didn't take it for granted that he would recover immediatelly I mean he was here in the infirmary for the last 2 weeks now. Thankfully he could get off the machines but he was still very week which was worrying RG. At least he was starting to eat again.

Me: Yes.

Izuku: I... I can't...

Me: Yes you can problem child. I picker her out for you.

Izuku: You did?

Me: Yes. I believed that you would like a small fluffly animal at your side while you get better.

Izuku: Why?

Me: Why what?

Izuku: Why are you doing this?

I knew that whatever I would say next would either help him or be his downfall so I decided to chose my words carefully. It wasn't because he was my responsibility or because he felt like a result of my failure. It wasn't because I felt guitly. The complete truth was I favored this child and wanted to see him better again.

He may never be a hero like he wanted to be but he was alive. If anything he did the most heroic thing anyone could have done. It was something I didn't know until I rewatched the entire USJ attack through the camera feedback. He saved Tsu and Mineta from my class and then faught the nomu head on so it would stop concentrating on myself. It was only the moment All Might came that they used that opportunity to get him.

Me: Because you feel like a son to me and I don't want to lose you.

It was finally out. 

This child who sacrificed himself for the class and for me suffered soo much and will never be a hero again thanks to the injuries he got afterwards. Now it was my time to help him get back to his feets again.

Now only did I owe it to him as a person but to him as a mentor and a teacher. My job was to be a hero and I knew I couldn't safe everyone but I had more than one responsibility to safe him and I didn't. This was all my mistake and seeing him how he is broke my heart. 

I just wanted him to get better.

He had to survive!

He had to get better!

I never saw anyone with this much potental and such a great heart. Now knowing his future was over and that he would need someone helping him out, well it was the least I could do for him after seeing what he did for me. Who knows if it wasn't for him then I would be dead by now.

What I felt was gratitude towards him as well as such an imende sadness too.

This was the reality.

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