11. What? Stabbed!?

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"So you got prae in you side too ha?" It was none other than the captain kong halted his movements and smiled to himself.

kong turned to find arthit looking furiously at him.

"i did. why? jealous" kong asked batting his lashes

"werent you supposed to be like naive and anything... not this" arthit asked

"yeah... no" kong said. he originally was playing dumb to not get noticed by many and still does to others but not with arthit.

"i got 6 cap! i think i am gonna complete this challenge before a month" kong said giving his megawatt smile.

"how did you manage to get oak and prae" arthit asked skeptically

"prae just needed a bit of assuration i guess and looks like she already like me so no biggie... but oak... well let's just say i was going to throw away my brand new gaming console because i got one from my friend too and that too upgaded one but fortunately i got another home for my buddy" kong said

"what!? he cant possibly believe that one is going to just throw away console?" arthit asked increduously but kong shrugged.

"so he took bribe" arthit asked making kong scrunch his face

"it was not bribe but a player's love for console. tsk tsk phi you need to go out more. anyways he did accept me but not after ensuring i was good tho i guess... in his way" kong said but he was confused too "i had to buy him a week worth of lunch by the way" kong said making arthit sigh. now arthit was wondering if the other detectives just didnt try hard or gave up easily because it seems the squad members are not that hard to please anyways.

"be ready to accept me as your colleague... maybe then i will ask you for dinner" kong said smiling cheekily. arthit rolled his eyes.

"dont talk the talk walk the walk" arthit said and went to his car. kong took his bike too.

Kong always either took another route or strolled or went first so arthit had never known they live next doors untill kong practically blackmailed him but even after that he didnt see kong. but today when he was driving he saw someone zoom past him arthit squinted his eyes to get a better view and yep its him. the driving is really reckless and lets not start about speed. arthit was fuming how could one be so careless about his own life. he stopped at traffic signal. guess what?the one beside him was kong with his helmert and jacket. as soon as kong saw arthit he waved at him but arthit ever the tsundre ignored him by pulling up his glass.

arthit decided to take his dinner today from the stall and what are the odds. the one infront of him is the one he wants to avoid.

"oh phi! not in mood to cook?" kong asked smiling

"how come you talk so much and people say you are a silent one" arthit asked

"its called being selectively talkative" kong said and noddd his head as if he said something wise.

"uh by the way how reckless are you. you are a detective a follower and implementer of law and yet you broke speed limits and apart from that dont you think your life is important huh? what will happen to people who wait for you at home, your parents" arthit asked getting angry he doesnt know but he was angry to see kong so reckless. it was like... like he was being protective.

kong smiled sadly

"no one is at home to welcome me. my sisters are far away and they are busy with their life and my parents they are not anymore" kong said something in his eyes made arthit hesitate arthit could sese there is something more to it.

"i ... i am sorry" arthit said feeling a bit guilty but that doesnt change that kong was being an idiot

"but dont you think they will worry about you when they are watching you from up above? and what do you mean you have no one. your sisters must be worrying about you all the time and there is your friend rome, in the the short period you have made the squad your friend too and me..." arthit stopped realising he was blabbering now. But kong was sharp enough to catch it.

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