29. silence before storm

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"I will open it" arthit said putting the broom down.

Kong acted first and pulled him back down.

"No no no i am not ready not yet please"

"What are you talking about kong"

"You dont understand arthit they are here i cant complete my mission i will fail" kong was practically crying

"Look here look at me" arthit forced kong to look at him "nothing will happen okay trust me" kong shook his head and he was in a trance but too late arthit already opened the door.

"I believe you are my brother in law" yeah no hi no greeting straight to topic.

"Uh" arthit was confused as hell.

"Uh dumbo" the girl said and pushed herself inside the apartment only to find kong  pitifully looking at her.

"Phi...please" kong begged and the girl sighed.

"Just what the hell is happening here" arthit asked frustrated things were only getting better and now this.

"Hi arthit i am manao kong's sister" manao said with a smile and at that instant a running and huffing rome came in

"Kong p'manao is...here" rome ended his sentence seeing manao already seated in the sofa.

"Hi rome i found him atlast no thanks to.you" manao said sarcastically making rome shift uncomfortably.

"Now would end this silly game of yours and come back!" Manao was angry like really really angry now.


"do not phi me!"just tell me why why did you do that?" she shouted

"i-"i wanted to"

"why is it always what you want and what you need kong did you ever think of us ? did you think about me? about tiara? you know mom and dad must be so disappoined-" and that's it arthit have had enough he cant listen someone saying bad about kong not when its entirey wrong""

"excuse me i am sorry to interrupt i donot understand what you guys are talking about but this i know that kong's parent wont ever be disappointed with hi"kong was now looking at arthit with tear filled eyes and he could swear he just fell in love with arthit all over again.  "kong i dont know what is going on between you two but i say please have a talk i know you are hurthing oo"saying that arthit made himself to leave but was hold by kong.

ï need you"kong said and arthit got then signal and sat beside kong. 

"tell me kong what happened we were a happy family  but it all change 7 years back mom dad left us then you you became alood and after 4 years you disappeared. why kong why." manao was now in tears and so was kong. so kong started from the beginning and told her everything.

"that is why i worked so had for threee years building strong cnnections for 3 years and i always looked at it from afar i saw how both my phis did a great job. but i knew if i didnt just vanish ytou woiukdnt have let me would you?" kong asked manao

"ofcourse not! let you go to the very place which m,ade uys orphan?" manao practically shouted

"see. that is why i ran with rome after 1 year of completing my college and came here took thai classses enrolled in police academy then joined as detective. i figure d our money and power womnt do much here" kong said now with a determined voice.

"stop it jong vengence will not lead you anywhere" manao saidd

"let those kilers  roam free? who killed our parents?" kong asked

"i-" manao stared but she was crying now yes she wanted revenge but her morals were disuading her.

son kong had to play the last card the dvd. manao was crying at the end and there was a special [part for her and tiara in 2nd part. 

"i dont know kong i am scared for you so much but yes i want them behinfd bars better yet dead but... we have lost you for 3 years or more  and ii cant bear to lose you for forever" manao said kong went and held her hand consoled her.

"you believe us dont you and i have p'arthit too" kong said looking at arthit who reassured manao that he willtake care of him.

after that manao started giving her mom talk kong just had to nod. then she started grilling arthit then they normally taked and even called tiara who wanted to join kong for revenge but kong in a dangerous voice denied her. they were back together and they sorted out the differences. after that manao left she was going to phuket then go back home to not arpuse any suspicion.

"that was easy. you could have-" arthit said

"it was not. believe me now they will keep track on me. and they agreed now just because i am to deep in this if it was 3 years back they would have locked me in the room with 10 guards surrounding me all the time.

"hmm" arthit hummed. kong could tick one less thing to not worry about.

on the other hand a strom was brewing.knott had found from his source that the illegal paintings were being stocked at the dock and if all goes well then they might just get their hands over drugs too.

"you should thank ,e officer dont you thonk" stud asked in a flirty voice to knott and obviously tew beside him scowled in dispkleasure.

"we should get a move on as soon as possible" tew interjected.

"i agree" knott said and thus in the midnight all of the inner circle was called and all of them came with messy hais and puffy eyes discussing to raid the docks in the morning and if all gfoes well this might be last for golden charges. while they were discussing stud stood in the corner listening them.

finally in the dawn then made theiir move. and just their luck they found namtarn and jay there standing in each other's arm. kong looked at arthit wjho was looking at them.

"what are you still-" but kong never got to complete his sentence cause a pair of lips cut off his words after a long kiss arthit released kong.

"never doubt my love kong"arthit said kong just noded as there was lot on plate. slowly the officers worked secretly taking all the guards on outer perimeter. then they opened fire directly attacking them there was a huge fight half of them engaged in arms and other half takong evidences. jay was super confused as it was nerly impossible to foud out that they were here.

arthit and his team also found other areas of their works and ceased them. and after all chaos they found out one empty consignment of paintings and stud was no where to be found.

"shit" arthit cursed

"well he said dint he, he could have came here alone after he got info but he knew he wont be match for them so he involved us while silently planning to take those paintings.  genious" kong praise which arthit obviously didnt like.

now jay, namtarn and the golden chargers were away for good with a pile of charges on their name from stealing, duping to murder and everything in between there was no way they will be out.

everything seemed well now the pilot's house also gave their statement about victor's goose. and knott kong and arthit were slowly starting to pile evidence against victor.

but they say its silence before strom.

"hello my dear nephew dont you think you should drop the file you are holding and come here instead to save your sisters" a deadly voice said at the other end of phone after kong picked up the call which was supposed to be from manao.

hi guys sorry for being late. i will be winding this up real quick.

thank you all. forgive my mistakes i wrote it in hurry.

happy belated birthday p'singto! : )


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