19. I dont know.

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when life gives you lemon what do you do? slip on it? make a lemonade or grow another lemon tree? yeah no one does the third one. i personally would have done the first one if not for me being a butterfinger and slipping on it so yeah dont ask but we are not here to talk about me are we? so who got lemons from life? yeah its none other than arthit. his mood is as sour as it can be from the morning he got the call then the whole court scenario and now this guy! this guy has the nerve to show his face after all the things? good for him that the squad couldnt find any proof that he was the mastermind otherwise the smirk on his annoying face would have vanished a long time ago.

but for now arthit ignored him and made his way to his car. he made his way back thinking and rethinking whatever had happened and yep... no he doesnt want to be reminded of that. it has already been evening he didnt want to return to his apartment today. he might meet kong and what will he say? so he made his way to his parents house. they were always their to support him and calm him down. he went his mother and hugged her without saying anything and she let him be and his father near them sat down as a silent support. after few minutes he finally broke the hug.

"what happened oon?" his mother asked

"she... she's back." arthit said his eyes watering up. his mother and father shared a look of concern. they knew how much he loved her and then how much he blamed himself for the same and now he doesnt hate her because sometimes hating is loving but he is repulsed and disgusted by her.

with all the tension surrounding them after some time his mother, luna decided to break it a little by dragging them all to the kitchen to help her make arthit's favourite dishes which they did and shared a few laughs forgetting about the problem for a few moments. funny how the company of our loved ones can do it right? its almost magical.

while eating arthit remembered another thing he needed their parents to know. okay here it goes

"mom, dad..." arthit started. they both looked at him

"well.. well i... i am in love with someone" arthit said blushing a little but fearing what will be their reaction when he will say that he is in love with a man. the parents eyes twinkled with hope and excitement.

"who is it? do we know her?" his mom asked excitement evident in her voice.

"well... um its a him. i love a boy" arthit said hesitating

"really?" his mother asked a little sad

"are you sure? i mean maybe you are confused or maybe what that girl did..." his father said and stopped arthit just shook his head he didnt lose his temper, he could  understand their concerns.

"i am. i never felt this way before mom dad i really love him. please accept me" arthit said and now was tearing up again. all the things that he was going through has made him vulnerable. the parents shared a look again and they went and hugged their kid.

"dont cry. you will always be our child na. there is nothing to reject or accept. we love you always will. yes this is a bit of shock but we will get over it" his mom said and arthit nodded sniffing.

"yes my boy i am just concerned if you are trying for that reason then it will end up being you and the other boy hurt." his dad said in a soft voice and arthit shook his head vigourously and told them he really loves him and he told all about the later's antics.

"kongpob sounds like a nice boy" arthit's mother said with a smile. no she was not okay with it not fully at any rate but she will get there. just because its not common doesnt mean its unacceptable.

"he is!" arthit said smiling his rarest smile

"so how long do you know him and why havent you told us. was it because you thought we will hate you?" arthit's dad, aroon asked a little hurt that arthit might have been afraid to come out to them.

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