Chapter 1

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How am I going to tell Marrinette about how me and all the other kwamis turn humman tommorow!! Well it's better to warn her than to not say anything..
"Ahh Adrien.." She said while watching his new add for the 1093890 time.
"Yes tikki?"
"Tommorow will be exactly one hundred thousand years since we turned human. You see every one hundred thousand years we turn human!"
"WHAT?! why didn't you tell me earlier!"
"I didnt want you to panic Marrinette.." I said sheeplishy.
"I must warn the other heroes about this!"
"Don't worry I'm sure the other kwamis would have warned them about this by now."
"I hope so.."
Sass pov:
"Remeber we turn human tommorow."
"I know you told me a week ago and yesterday."
"I know I'm just making sure you remember."
"But what if hawmoth akumatizes somone?" Juleka quietly asked.
"Don't worry all of the other kwamis turn humman too and that includes Nooroo and Duusuu." Roarr replied.
"Wait that means we could maybe try and find Nooroo and Duusuu since we know how they look as humans!" I suggested.
"Oh yea!" Roarr happily replied.
Nooroo's pov:
I looked over Gabriels shoulder to see it was September 4th!
"Duusuu it's September 4th! Do you think it's been one hundred thousand years?" I asked quietly.
"I mean it has been a long time."
"Oh! Do you remeber what happend last time! It was so fun!"
Duusuu happily squealed.
"I guess.. But how do we tell him I mean if we're wrong he'll be mad for worrying him about nothing."
"Well maybe only one of us should warn him that way only one would get in trouble." Duusuu suggested worriedly.
"We should probably play kwami-moe to choose who warns him." I said.
"Or you both tell me what you should warn me about." Gabriel suddenly inturupet.
"Forgot we were on his shoulder-" Duusuu quietly whispered to herself.
"Uhh w-well every one hundred thousand y-years us k-kwamis t-tu-turn h-human but specifically on September f-f-fith but we dont know if its actually been one hundred thousand years or n-not." I scaredly warned him.
"Well if thats the case, tommorow you'll be my servents. And if Adrien asks anything you'll say I hired you."
"... Servants?" Duusuu angrily muttered to me.
Trixx pov:
"Hey is tommorow going to be exactly one hundred thousand years? Since tommorow will be 5th September." I asked Wayzz inquisitivly.
"I don't know but we should still warn Nino and Alya." He replied.
"We don't know for sure but we think it'll be exactly one hundred thousand years since we turned human. You see every one hundred thousand years us kwamis turn human." I said.
"Wait really?" nino replied.
"Yea but as trixx said, we dont know for sure."
"We'll we better stock up on your favourite foods." said Alya.
"I'll go buy some food I'll be back." Nino stated while he left.
*Sorry if that was short*
Plagg pov:
"This is some nice camenbert can you go buy some more?"
"I'll buy more tommorow plus it's 8pm."
"You've had enough plagg," Adrien said, "Good thing your not humam or you'd need even more." Adrien muttered.
"Wait is it September?"
"Yeah why?"
"Is tommorow the 5th of September?"
"Yeah but why do you need to know?"
"Adrien I think its been one hundred thousand years since the last time we turned human."
"Turned human?!"
"Yep! Every one hundred thousand years us kwamis turn human on September 5th."
"Oh great, now I have to buy you even more camambert."
"Yup." I replied while smirking.
Pollen pov:
"Since tomorrow is September 5th, me and the other kwamis might turn human. You see, every one hundred thousand years us kwamis turn human and I'm not one hundred percent sure but I think its been nearly one hundred thousand years."
"Cool! Wait how am I suppose to hide you?"
"I dont know mabye i'll just hide in the closet?"
"I guess."
*After every kwami told there owner*
Meanwhile with nooroo and duusuu:
"Does he think I'll just be his servant?! Well I guess I have to.. But this isn't fair!!" Duusuu said to Nooroo, who was ignoring her.
"Its sooo unfair we have to be his servants I just wanted one day to rest!"
"Think of the postives! He has an interview and if we lie and say we still have to follow the rules even though we don't, we'll be with him and other kwamis will recognise us!"
"Sorry. Hopfully we'll turn human!"
"Yeah, I hope so to."
"Im so excited!!"
"Calm down Duusuu you know what happens when you get to excite-"
"Duusuu stop running around or atleast let me go!"
"Guys stop runing around!"
"Im trying to stop her!"
"Yay I'm so excited!!"
"Somone please help me please!"
"Duusuu stop running around I'm trying to read!"
"Ugh fine!"
*Nooroo falls over because Duusuu stop so suddenly*
"Whoops sorry Nooroo."
"Its fine."
Tikki pov:
*The next day*
Tikki pov:
I yawned as I woke up. I wonder if I'm human. I should probably check.
867 words
Editors note: If this gets 7 votes I will publish the the next part on Monday.

If ALL the kwamis turned human (complete) (Cringe I Wrote This When I Was Young)Where stories live. Discover now