Chapter 4

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Trixx pov:
As my owner and Wayzz's owner were playing penguinu, I snuck away to steal their phones.
"Trixx you shouldn't be doing this!"
"All I want to do is play somthing or watch somthing calm down."
"oh ok I thought you'd delete apps they need."
"Don't worry! I'll do that later!" "Anyways we should see if anything interesting is on the news." Wayzz said.
"Okay I guess.."
I then opened the news.
"W-Wayzz is that-"
"I-I think so-"
"We should tell Nino and alya!" Wayzz said. Then we ran to alya and nino.
"Alya nino! We were watching the news and we saw Nooroo
and Duusuu!"
"Wait what!" Nino shouted in surprise.
"Yea well obviously in thier human form since all kwamis turned human but still!"
Plagg pov:
"Im bored!!" I say to myself. I then opened the tv to play some video games but the first thing that comes on is the news.
"h-hold on a second- is that Nooroo and Duusuu!"
"I need to tell tikki!" I said as I got up and ran to the window. I then opened the bathroom window and got ready to jump. As the wind went through my black hair as I was jumping, I felt powerful!
*Time skip to when he arrives at the bakery*
"Hello Mrs and Mr dupan-chaing can I talk to Marrinette?"
"Sure she's in her room." Sabine replied
"Thanks!" I said as I quickly ran Upstairs.
"Tikki! When I opened my tv it showed the news which showed *panting* Nooroo and duusuu!"
"I know I saw that to!"
"We need to gather all the kwamis in the park and tell them!" I said.
"Yea but how?" she asked.
"I don't know maybe go in every house?"
"Well it is an emergency.."
*Time skip to where they have gathered all the kwamis*
"So what did you want to talk about that was so important that it inturupted my time" Kaalki asked.
"Guys I have somthing more
important! While I was watching the news I saw Nooroo and Duusuu!" Sass said.
"Well thats what I was going to say!" I said still in shock.
"Wait what!" Orikko said in surprise.
"We need to make a plan to save them!" Roarr said.
"We'll have to wait until tomorrow when are kwamis!" Sass said.
"Well I guess we just enjoy bieng human until then." I said.
"I guess but can everyone go meet up tomorrow?" Tikki asked.
"Yes." We replied in usion.
"Okay tomorrow we meet up at Marrinette's house." Sass said and we agreed.
"Tell me before hand if you can't go okay?" He said.
"Okay." We replied nearly at the same exact time.

If ALL the kwamis turned human (complete) (Cringe I Wrote This When I Was Young)Where stories live. Discover now