Chapter 3

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Gabriels pov:
I woke up at 8am like usual then went to the kitchen with my kwamis following me. After I put my cereal in the microwave, I noticed that Nooroo and Duusuu were human.
Duusuu had dark blue hair with a pink tip and slightly dark purple fade on her bun she also had light brown skin and her eyes looked the same. She had a bluish purple crop top that faded to bright, light blue while her skirt was dark blue that faded into a slightly darker blue and had bright pink dots with black dots inside. She also had a black belt that had gold in the middle. She still had the pink dot on her forhead but it was mostly coved by her bangs. She had grey and greyish-purple stripped socks. She was also a bit tall/taller than the average female (around 5 foot 6) while Nooroo was only 5 foot 3.
He had light purple hair that was in a bun with bangs. Instead of the swirl being on his forhead, he had two dark purple swirls on his natural slightly blushy cheecks. He had dark purple eyes that faded into magenta and he had a swirl pupil. He had an over sized light purple hoodie with a dark purpleish blue collar. His hoodie's hood faded to a light blue and it had antennas on them. His hood had little stars on it. His over sized hoodie had a dark purple butterfly in the middle and his sleeves were slightly over sized that faded into a pinkish light purple. He also had black shorts on and he had long black socks with white strips.
"Okay you two stay with Natalie while I got to the interview with Nadia shamock.
Duusuu's pov:
After Gabriel said that, I was ready to start Nooroo's plan.
"But Gabriel even though we're human, we are forced to follow the rules." I told him whe acting like an angel.
"Yep." Nooroo replied.
"We'll then you'll have to come as my servant and act like it. Also Nooroo don't call me master people will suspect somthing. Just call me Mr. Gabriel."
"Of course!" He replied.
Duusuu pov:
I was happy yet annoyed that had just made us his servants. I then quietly whispered, "Who does he think he is making us his slaves!"
"Calm down Duusuu plus we already are his slaves- and instead think about how hundred of people will see us and probably some of the kwamis to!" he whispered back.
"Yea luckily he's dumb and didn't think about giving our miraculous to Natalie." I replied while stealing an apple.
"Nooroo can you hide this in you hoodie's pocket?"
"Sure." he said whilst stealing his own apple.
We followed Gabriel who went to his room.
"Nooroo, Duusuu since you have to come with me you have to wear the uniform.
"Uniform? " I asked.
"Yeah anyways here you go." He gave me Natalie's uniform while giving Nooroo suit.
"Do I have to?" He asked "It's not really my style.."
"Yes, now go get in uniform. Also here contacts, they can suspect anything." He said handing me and Nooroo some contants. For me he also handed a contact to make the purpleish blue part of my eye white.
Then we went to the car and sat down and so did Adrien.
"Who are these people father?" he asked.
"Some new servants."
I got a little angry but hid the anger by smiling.
"Okay." He replied.
I couldn't help but smile evilly.
*when they arrived*
"Hello it's nice to see you Gabriel Agrest and?"
"My son and new servants I hired." he replied.
"What are their names?" Nadia asked.
"Uh-" He stuggled for an answer.
"Maia and David!" He came up on the spot.
"I know he did not just change our names on the spot-" I whispered to Nooroo.
"Nooroo we are about to be saved!" I said really quietly.
"I'm happy for you.." Nooroo amswered quietly
"So what made you want to work for Mr. Agrest?" Nadia asked.
We struggled to think of an actually good answer for a hot second but before I could reply, Gabriel answered for us, "They said they always wanted to work with me as they were intrested in fashion!" That was actually true for both of us. I like fashion and looking as good as I can and Nooroo likes designing stuff and sewing. Back in the past, somtimes kwamis would go up to him and ask for him to sew them clothes for a special occasion.
"Is this true?"
"Yeah." I replied.
"Uh yeah of course it was uh- a big insperation to uh.. work for ma- Mr. Gabriel!"
Sass pov:
"Sass I'm bored!" Roarr complaimed
Same." I replied.
"We can see whats on the news then!" Roarr suggested.
"Alright then." Then we opened the tablet and started watching the news.
"R-roar is that-"
"I think so."
Pollen pov:
"Zoey can we see what's on the news or play a game?"
"Of course lets play never have I ever while watching the news!"
"Never have I ever kissed somone?" Zoe asked.
As I was about to answer, I realized that Gabriels new servants were Nooroo and Duusuu!
"Zoey.. I think thats Nooroo and Duusuu.."
Tikki pov
"M-Marinette.. Thats definitely Nooroo and Duusuu... That means Gabriel is hawkmoth-"
"Wait what?!"
"I need to go tell plagg! Wait I can't your parents will see me and I cant go through walls! Guess I'll tel him tomorrow.."
Nooroo pov:
*In the car*
"Well Duusuu I guess you'll be saved!" I whispered
"And you!" she whispered back.
"yeah about that.. I have learned that theres a future hawkmoth.."
"Wait what!" she said quietly.
I felt tears forming in my eyes but I ignored them.
*when they arrived home*
I sat down behind the desk where no one would see me.
"Nooroo, are you okay?" Duusuu worriedly asked me.
"Y-yeah im fine." I replied as tears rolled down my face. Then, Duusuu hugged me.
"Don't worry, you'll be saved eventually."
"L-Ladybug and catnoir would be adults by then.. Most likely in thier twenties.." I said while trying to stop crying.
"Don't worry, if the future hawkmoth hurts you, they'll regret it!"
"T-thanks." I sniffled. Then she kissed me on the head and hugged me.
Edit: I'm so sorry I forgot to post! I'll post an editors note/how kwamis look later today and on monday I'll post an update!

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