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A knock came at Cecily's door, Max opened it and Edith burst in wearing a pink tutu, Cecily had picked out this morning, with bunny ears to match Buttercup who was wearing a pink tutu as well.

Xavier watched as the little scrambled towards Cecily in a rush to climb on to her lap.

"I made crepes!" She announced as Cecily helped her up.

"That sounds delicious," Cecily beamed, Max sat the tray down in front of her.

Xavier was surprised by the sweet tone and eyes of stars she had for Edith.

It had been the fourth time while he was handling business with Cecily that Edith brought her breakfast, that is when Xavier himself began to question, if all the times he had come to advise her if she had even eaten.

Edith as he learned, wouldn't eat a bite until Cecily finished her breakfast.

And when she refused to eat too roped into work Edith physically sat down on the desk stopping her, she grabbed Cecily's face and squish it with her little hands, her voice hurt as she said "Do you not like it, I can make you something else? I won't eat unless you eat too."

Cecily instantly dug right in finishing the breakfast casserole assuring Edith she loved her cooking. Just as she did today as soon as the tray was opened.

Edith played with her bunny while Cecily ate, once she sat her fork down Edith dug in. Devouring the food taking Xavier always by surprise.

She kissed Cecily's cheek and climbed down with her bunny.

Xavier watched unable to tame himself as the little grabbed a pillow and one of the books from the bottom shelf on ring theory, laying on her stomach kicking her feet, her bunny tucked under her arm.

Her tutu rose as she kicked her feet and he noticed the diaper sticking out of her onesie, to him it was the cutest thing.

"— we need to close it off Xavier." Cecily said breaking him out of his though.

They had been fighting about the funds for this year and the promise of an other summer home for Titans as it was requested.

Cecily had plans to help the humans instead which would not please the parliament members.

"In all honesty, if we do that dozens of parliament members will have your head,"

"Let them try, another summer home is not needed at the moment." Cecily's voice raised.

"What will you tell them," Xavier said astounded.

"They don't need it,"

"They won't care, all they see is you taking away their toys" he slammed his hands on the table. Fearing for her decision.

Cecily rolled her eyes laughing. She stood up, "all we they do is work and play golf. One summer castle of the fifty won't hurt them."

"What has gotten into you!" He yelled.

Cecily glared at him, "don't you dare raise your voice at me, remember your place."

Xavier huffed his chest out getting close to Cecily's face, "I'm only telling you the —"

Edith pushed Cecily back from Xavier, "don't hurt Mommy," she cried out, fear laced behind her brave face.

Cecily and Xavier gave each other a look.

"I'm not going to hurt her," Xavier said shocked by the assumption.

Edith's breath hitched As Xavier steps forward to calm her down, Edith flinched stepping back pushing Cecily  away from him.

Titans littleWhere stories live. Discover now