I didn't know

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With a sharp pain in her belly Edith scrambled out of bed and in to the bathroom, waking up Xavier who looked around panic as Edith slammed the door of the bathroom, Luckily she pull down her pull up just in time to go potty, she had finally relived herself the pain easing.

She sight washing her hands.

"Where is my little bug?" Edith heard a familiar voice, uncertain she closed the tap and opened the door.

There in her playroom was Margie and Francois. A smile spread on Margies face seeing Edith,

Edith dashed towards her grinning, "MARGIE!" She shouted jumping on her.

Margie held her close rocking the small girl, she patted her bottom, "oh my sweet baby it has been too long."

"I missed you," Edith said looking up.

"I missed you more," Margie grinned.

Francois coughed, he leaned on his hip, lips pouted. "You didn't miss me?"

Edith jumped like spider monkey from Margie to Francois, "of course I missed you too!"

"Who wouldn't miss me," He teased.

"Did you miss me?" She asked titling her head.

Francois rolled his eyes, "well obviously!"

Xavier was wearing his pyjamas and had messy hair, he was scratching his head, "Thank you for coming Margie."

"Anything for my Edith," She smiled sadly.

Edith was wiggled down from Francois arms, grabbing his hand, she dragged him over grabbing Margies hand. She pulled them towards the door bouncing like bean, "let me show you the castle!"

Margie laughed and pulled the little back by the waist into her arms, making a humph leave Ediths lips. "I think you're do for a bath first missy."

Edith whined and shrank in her arms, "ok..." Margie looked Xavier up and down, "Looks like he needs one as well."

Xavier laughed nervously, "I'll go do that and meet you down in the kitchen." He dashed out of the room.

Margie ran a quick bath, scrubbing Edith clean and dry, she slipped a pull up over her and brought her back out were Francois was waiting.

"Finally, my little model!" He beamed taking clothes out of a bag and passed it Margie, not giving Edith time to even look at them.

"Aww she is so cute!" Francois squeaked. Edith was dressed in a brown romper with small polkadots scattered around topped with a soft knitted cardigan. Knee socks and brown boots and a light blue knitted sweater on top. Edith pouted deadpanning at both of the Titans.He picked Edith up and spun her around, making Edith giggle, "Francois you're silly." She made Francois laugh along.

A knock came at the door and Mack and Xavier came in.

"Now that's much better, " Margie said eyeing Xavier who was dressed in his usual dark suit. She grabbed Edith from Francois and clipped a pacifier on Ediths sweater.

Making Edith throw her head back, Margie passed her Buttercup turning her attention away from the item.

"Why dont you show us the castle now?" Margie encourage. Edith nodded and grabbed Francois hand.

Xavier followed behind with Margie and Max.

Xavier had furrowed eyebrows confused. "Why does she need a pacifier? She never wears one."

Margie shook her head, "Eidth needs to have one clipped or she will chew on her clothes or worst poor buttercup's ears."

"I wasn't informed," Max said surprised of the new information.

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