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Edith was laying upside down on Cecily's bed watching as she scrambled side to side putting her self together.

"Where are my black heels," Cecily complained .

"Third drawer to the right under the other clothes you shoved in there," Edith said

Cecily dashed to her closet and came out hooping in one foot as she put on her heels. "How do you remember that."

Edith shrugged, sliding down the bed upside down.

"You promise your alright hanging with Max today," Cecily picked her up squishing her.

"Yeah, you go do party planning, I'll go taunt your castle." Edith smirked.

Cecily gasped, "you're gonna take my job!"

"It's not that hard," Edith rolled her eyes.

Chucking her on the bed Cecily attacked Edith with tickles, "so easy."

Edith giggled trying to push her hands away, "yess."

"Ah so you won't admit defeat," Cecily teased.

"I will never be defeated," Edith giggled, "no more tickles mommy."

"I will stop if you give me a kiss,"

"Oky, oky!" Edith cried out.

Cecily stopped, Edith huffed out and sat up, she kissed Cecily on the cheek.

She picked Edith up, and brought her out to Max, she gave her one last hug, "have fun baby."

"Mommy," Edith said, the sound like music to Cecily's ears. "One last thing."

Edith signal for her to come closer. "What is it?"

She leaned into her, Cecily thought she would give her a kiss again when she felt Edith lick her face.

Edith scrambled down the stairs screaming, "bye!"

Max dashed after her.

"That little thing," Cecily laughed wiping her face.


Edith was sitting in the garden with Max, she was reading with Buttercup enjoying the sun. Unaware that Max was hanging on to her every word.

"—As they fought through the jungle's darkness, Gabi could only hope that the vicious animals of the night would let them live.  The weight of Jason's body on her back ached her open wound. Suddenly a light shined from above, Alice squinted trying to see what it was." 

Edith closed her book, and put it to the side. She picked up buttercup and went over to the sand pit, Cecily had recently put in for her.

Max looked at her confused, wanting to know what happens next.

She went over, Edith was sitting on the edge taking of her shoes.

"Got bored of your book?" Max asked trying to sound not suspicious.

"Nope," Edith got into the sand pit with Buttercup and sat on her knees, she started to dig some sand into a bucket.

Max took of her shoes and got in as well. "Need some help?"

Edith smiled and handed her buckets, "yes, please!" the excitement and joy from the little made Max eager to help. "We are building the castle, you can make the parliament!"

"Got it boss,"

Edith giggled, "Eeedith, not boss." She stuck her tongue out.

"Ok, Eeeedith,"

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