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Fiona was standing near the table where the barista was busy working, holding a cup of coffee in her hand when she felt a sudden tap on her shoulder.

"Excuse me, Ma'am,"

This caused her to spin a complete one-eighty-degree turn.

"Yes?" She asked politely of a man standing in front of her.

The stranger was around six feet one inch tall to her petite frame of five-three, and he had a handsome face to go with it. Green eyes and silky brown hair that falls a little on his brow. He was smartly dressed in a dark grey suit, ready to deal with whatever came his way.

"You dropped this scarf." The unknown man handed over the cheetah-printed cloth to her with a charismatic smile on his face.

"Thank you so much." She thanked him with a genuine smile and took her scarf from his gasp.

"By any chance, are you studying at the university nearby?" He asked her curiously.

He was clearly trying to strike up a conversation with her, intrigued by this young and beautiful woman standing before him. On the other hand, Fiona was a little flattered, as she was not as young as he was making her out to be.

"No, I am just a tourist in this town." She replied with a slight grin. He doesn't need to know that she was a tourist, but not by choice.

"Aah! Let me guess; this is your first time visiting my lovely town?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yup." She nodded her head.

"So what are you doing in this big town, exploring alone? Unless your friends or boyfriend are hiding somewhere around the corner," He asked.

From a third-person point of view, it was apparent that he was interested in her. However, Fiona didn't think much about it. But he found her pretty. Beautiful, to be honest.

Regardless of being heedless of the mysterious man's thoughts, his last statement made her chuckle.

"If you mean my boyfriend, who loves to wear an invisible cloak, or my so-called amazing friends, who are eagerly waiting for me to bring them the infamous magical broomstick back home? Then no, I am not adventuring out here alone." She tried to maintain a serious face, but it was as successful as she wanted, or rather wished it to be.

But her failed attempt at cracking a joke, on the other hand, did make the stranger laugh out loud with amusement in his eyes.

"Well, then, I must say that your invisible boyfriend is one lucky person to be with such a gorgeous girl." He meant every word that he said. She was one hell of an amazing-looking person, along with a pleasant vibe.

"Really? Do you think so? Would you mind telling him that? At least then, he will remove his cloak more often. But dang my life!" She said this with a sad look on her face, which was totally fake. So, to save herself from further embarrassment, she showed her left hand. "I am married; that means he will never remove his cloak."

"As the saying goes, all good ones are taken." The man placed his right palm on his heart and tried to look hurt, but he had a big smile.

"Naah! I think the best ones are left for the last." Fiona shrugged nonchalantly.

"So, you came to this city with your husband?" He asked her casually, taking a step back from friendly flirting.

To Fiona, he appeared to be a decent individual. He didn't seem like a paedophile, and he wasn't flirting after she showed him her ring finger. Therefore, she felt safe answering him.

"Yes." She said.

"Do you mind if I ask where he is?" He asked her hesitantly.

He didn't want to come off wrongly as she was married. But at the same time, he couldn't stop himself from asking her. She had that friendly aura, which is not easy to explain.

"He is currently in a business meeting," she stated. But looking at his confused expression, she explained to him further. "Well, he had an important meeting in this town, so I tagged along. And to pull out of the boredom of the room, I thought, why not explore this amazing place?"

Her words were not a complete lie, and he was a stranger, so she didn't owe him any kind of explanation.

"Really? Your husband doesn't mind that you are venturing out alone in this big town. I doubt I would have even attended the meeting if I were him."

"He is incredible like that, and we have an understanding. Moreover, it is a win-win situation. He can finish his work, and I can travel around. Plus, with such a busy and fast life, solo exploration is good for not only your health but also your sanity."

'Darn, she is getting good at this.' Fiona thought. 'Bless you, my maniac best friend, for influencing me with your tactics.'

He was about to say more, but then his phone vibrated.

"Well, that's my queue to leave. I have a meeting to attend. Anyway, I have a suggestion if you want. Two blocks away, there is a wonderful art gallery called 'The Artistry.' It might catch your interest." He suggested to her.

"Really? Thanks a lot." Fiona was excited.

Nothing could beat the peace you get from looking at the beautiful art that one living creature can create. It is both a blessing and a gift. Plus, it would kill time.

"If you want, I can drop you off." He asked her. "As I mentioned, it is not very far from here."

"No, that is okay. I will manage."

"Are you sure?" He asked her again. Regardless of what others might think, he had no ulterior motive.

"Yes, I have got master of all directions - google with me. So, I will be fine. Thanks, though." She told him appreciatively.

It was a bit odd for him to offer her a ride, but maybe he was genuinely a nice person; after all, she was roaming around alone.

With a smile, he returned the nod and walked away.

'So good guys do exist.' Fiona thought after she saw him leaving the cafe.

Forced marriage or not, Fiona will not let her miserable life on display for the world to see, nor will she drown herself in misery. Justin can ignore her for all she cares. She is a strong, independent woman who is more than capable of taking care of herself.

God knows why her Grams thought otherwise.

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