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Justin couldn't sleep the entire night soundly. He really envied James, who was snoring lightly all through the dark while he was just tossing and turning around. At eight in the morning, he and James finally decided to get up and leave the room. They went towards the kitchen, only to see Emily munching directly from the packet of her cheerios.

"Do you carry this thing everywhere?" James asked her, attempting to grab a few pieces of it.

"Duh-uh," Emily gave him a look but chirped enthusiastically when she saw Fiona.

"Good Morning, best friend."

"Good morning. It seems like you had a great night. How was it with Bob?" Fiona stated.

"Yes, it was nice catching up with him." Emily expressed herself.

Fiona was relieved to see her friend looking happy and calm.

"Bob?" James asked them aloud, clearly curious about this man.

He didn't like the idea of Emily trying to catch up with any guy all night. According to what he knows, Emily's house was directly across the street from Fiona's, and she chose to remain in her own home.

"My dad," Emily told him with a smile. This brought relief to him.

Justin didn't want to waste any more time, so he tried to talk to Fiona once again. "Fio..." His wife, however, interrupted him once more.

"I am going to make a toast for myself. Are you guys okay with it, or do you all want anything else?" Fiona asked them.

"Yes, it will do. I will help you with it." Justin volunteered on behalf of everyone.

"No. That's okay. Emily will help me. You can make yourself at home in the living room." Fiona stated.

Justin groaned in frustration and walked out of the kitchen. Fiona, on the other hand, kept herself occupied with preparing breakfast. She spent the entire day attempting to avoid Justin at all costs. Even when they all were working on their laptops, she kept mum and avoided any interactions with him.

He, however, was getting agitated with each passing minute, and he didn't know how to get Fiona to talk to him. But all hell broke loose when Fiona left them for a few minutes to speak with one of her colleagues on the phone.

Justin's laptop battery died, and he had to send an urgent email to one of his clients, so he decided to borrow Fiona's system for the moment, which was right beside his. When he opened the flap, he was astonished to see that she was looking for work in Seopol.

"What are you doing with my laptop?" Fiona asked him when she saw him with her system.

"Why the hell are you looking for a job here?" Justin's statement made everyone look at her with astonishment.

"Were you spying on me?" She asked him.

Her hands were clenched into fists. "No. I wasn't. Why are you looking for another job?"

"Fiona, please don't tell me you are planning to shift here." Emily stood up from her seat, facing her friend, followed by James.

"I am considering it," Fiona confessed the truth.

"You have got to be kidding. You are taking this too far." Justin told her angrily.

"I am taking this too far? What gives you the right to tell me this, Justin?" Fiona fixed her gaze on him.

"I have got every right, Fiona. I know you are angry, and you have every right to be. But seriously, shifting here is not a solution. We can talk this through." Justin tried to relax his nerves.

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