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When Fiona and Justin turned around, they saw that both Mason and James were ecstatic with their proximity, whereas Emily didn't look so happy. She didn't want Fiona to forgive Justin so readily after how he had treated her best friend. Even if her best friend forgave him, she was personally going to make Justin's life as difficult as she could.

Boss or not, Justin will not get away easily.

"Now that the God of light has decided to grace his presence in my home, it's time for you two to head out. You both came to check on Fiona, and as you can see, she is fit as a fiddle. You guys can show yourselves out."

"That's rude of you. You are not an appealing host." James gave her a disappointed look, although Emily's treatment of them didn't exactly hurt him.

Harsh? Yes!

But she is a good friend.

One thing he did observe about her colleague is that something might have happened to her to make her this rigid, especially after Noah and Anna's incident. Both Justin and James wanted to know about them, but they didn't particularly have a right.

"I am sorry on Emily's behalf. She is...." Much to Emily's dismay, Fiona began apologizing. However, James interrupted her.

"Don't worry, Fi. Emily's attitude does not hurt me, but I have to say Justin deserves it." This made Justin look down.

'Well, I did screw up bad.' Justin thought.

"Justin, James, please ignore Emily here. The weather is terrible out there. You two should just crash in here." Mason told them.

"I really don't think it's a good idea." Justin tried to reason with him.

"Of course, it's not. I am sure these two will be able to travel back to their respective homes just fine." Emily was trying hard to kill them with her words.

"Enough, Emily! Stop being cruel to them." Fiona frowned at her friend. "You really want them to travel alone in this harsh weather after they come here because you lied to them. I didn't want to mention this earlier, but that was not cool. You should have told them the truth, so now it's on you."

After hearing Fiona's words, Emily crossed her arm. "Fine. But these two will be staying in your room. My room is off-limits, and, anyway, Justin and James are your guests, not mine."

Fiona was relieved that her best friend finally gave in.

Mason pouted. "And what about me?"

"Unless you wish to make yourself home on the couch, your apartment is next door."

Emily stated, to which he replied, "Thanks, I will pass."

"Are you sure it's okay for us to stay for the night? We don't want to overstay our welcome." Justin asked, looking at Fiona.

"It is alright. Moreover, it's not safe outside. Plus, I have been overstaying at your house for the last two months. One day at our place won't do any of us harm." Fiona said. She couldn't resist her silence any longer.

"Damn! I am so proud of you, Fiona." Emily dramatically wiped the unshed tears.

Justin was at a loss for words. He should have expected this, but at the same time, he knew that it was pent-up frustration inside Fiona that was making her throw these words at him. On the other hand, Fiona had no idea what was causing her to speak her thoughts aloud. She didn't usually speak in this manner.

"Does anyone want food?" Fiona asked to get out of the situation since she wasn't behaving like herself. She needs to apologize to Justin for her uncalled-for behavior.

"Food, yes! Justin was so paranoid on call that I didn't get a chance even to eat my dinner." When Justin heard James' statements, he rolled his eyes.

James and his food.

"Since we are having a sleepover, how about a change of movie? I am playing Princess Diary." Emily chirped loudly.

"Really, Emily?" Mason raised his eyebrows because he knew what Emily was trying to do.

"It is okay, Mason. Emily is just trying to get her own way by torturing us. I will let you in on a little secret. She can't get to me that easily." James winked at Emily.

Fiona only smiled at their conversation as she returned to the kitchen to reheat the dinner they had ordered earlier. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard Justin's voice. "This smells good."

"Christ! What is it with you scaring me all the time?" Fiona placed her right hand on her heart, which was racing.

"Oops! Sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I was feeling weird out there, despite the fact that James and Emily's chat is somewhat amusing in an unsettling way."

"Tell me about it. I thought it was only me who thought that. But poor Mason is going to have a hard time between these two since Emily will make sure to keep him alongside her as a third wheel." Fiona laughed.

"Third wheel?" Justin asked her in confusion, to which she responded.

"Yes, the third wheel. This is going to come across as ridiculous. Actually, a few days back, Mason and Kristy had an argument. Kristy is his fiancée. And unfortunately, Emily was caught in between and took Kristy's side, even though she knew Mason was right. That annoyed him to another level because Emily always stood beside right. Like legit, even if her ego is on the line, she will never try to do wrong, but here she did it just to spite Mason, as he had not told her about his meeting with Noah. So, in return, Mason tricked her into coming on a date with him and Kristy, making her the third wheel. One thing you must know about Emily is that she loathes being the third wheel, so now Emily has found a perfect opportunity to irritate him."

"I don't know if this is funny or scary." Justin thought out loud.

"A little bit of both. Just a heads up, don't be surprised if you find yourself locked in my room with Mason and James. Emily is capable of that." Fiona warned him.

"Are you serious?" Justin asked with wide eyes.

"Dead serious," she said, trying to maintain a poker face.

"Even if she does, then you will help us out, right?" He asked her seriously. However, Fiona had a thoughtful look on her face.

"Come on, Fiona."

"We will see about it. But don't get your hopes up." With that, she left the kitchen with the hot food, followed by Justin, who, after a few moments, took the utensils Fiona had taken out while talking to him.

One thought that was roaming in his mind was that the night was getting a lot more interesting.

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