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Unlike most mornings, Justin and Fiona were not tense or awkward. However, they may not know how to take things forward, but one thing that they were positive about was that things were steadily returning to normal between them.

While Sarah and Daniel were in the hospital, Justin and Fiona were enjoying their avocado toast. The couple wanted to accompany them, but Sarah insisted they stay at home because Cynthia was due to be discharged today, and it didn't make sense to overcrowd the hospital room.

When Justin kept another toast on her plate, Fiona said. "I am full. I cannot eat anymore."

"You did not eat anything yesterday, and you have skipped breakfast for weeks." Justin reminded her.

"So now I am supposed to compensate for it all at once?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah," he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Justin, I thought you were over it." Fiona couldn't believe Justin's reaction.

"No, I am not, Fiona. And you are not going to skip breakfast anymore. Especially when I am around. So, you better eat this up." Justin told her.

"Just this one. I won't be able to gobble anymore." She said to him.

The entire day passed in peace. Even when Cynthia came home, everything was at ease. She lived across the street from Sarah and Daniel, but they persuaded her to stay with them until she was able to stand on her own. However, things became interesting with the arrival of a surprise guest while Justin and Fiona were helping her get settled.

"My girlfriend," Cynthia exclaimed, opening her arms.

"Grams, what are you doing here?" Fiona was surprised when she saw her grandmother standing with a bag.

"I came to sign the my friend's cast." Cecelia stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her granddaughter.

"Good. I didn't allow anyone to sign it yet." Cynthia said with glee.

"You better not have, or else we would have to change your cast. Justin, will you be kind enough to hand me a marker?" Cecelia asked her granddaughter's husband, who obliged dutifully.

He was now sure that he and Fiona had a lunatic for a grandmother.

After signing, both their grandmothers started chatting like long-lost friends. Justin and Fiona walked out of the room quietly. It wasn't like those two noticed them. It was rather delirious.

"Why are they acting as if they haven't seen each other in centuries? I mean, they didn't even bother to speak to us. For being their favorite people, they sure know how to ignore us." Justin voiced out his thoughts aloud in front of Fiona and his parents when they were out of Cynthia's room.

"Well, this just proves that more than us, they love each other." Fiona chuckled. "It is best if we leave those two together. They will keep each other entertained. And I think that is normal for them. The best we can do is ignore them."

"No Doubt about that."

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