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"Go on and ask her."

As soon as they entered the home, Fiona nudged Justin towards her grandmother to confirm Justin's theory about why her grandmother persuaded Fiona to marry him.

"I am! You really are impatient." Justin observed.

"Yeah, I know. I don't want you to back out from asking her." Fiona explained.

"I won't because I know that I am right." Justin justified himself.

"Don't be too confident. You could be wrong about your theory. My grandmother could say otherwise." Fiona counters him.

"What would I say otherwise?" Cecelia asked when she heard her name while Justin and Fiona were walking towards them in the living room.

Cynthia was also looking towards them with utmost curiosity and interest. Her leg was gently placed on the pillow at the center table as she sat comfortably on the couch beside her best friend.

"That you convinced Fiona to marry me because you saw that she had stopped putting effort into finding a guy after what happened with Noah. And for some reason, you were convinced that if you didn't meddle, then she would land up alone." Justin explained.

"Oh, that! Yes, you are correct about it." Cecelia confirmed it.

Justin, however, looked smugly at Fiona. Fiona, on the other hand, had a dumbfounded expression on her face.

"I am more than capable of finding myself a guy." Fiona defended herself.

"I never thought you were not. You simply stopped caring about it." Cecelia said to her granddaughter.

"Maybe because there has been a shortage of good guys." She pointed out.

"Hey! I am a good guy." Justin exclaimed in the middle.

"You sound a lot like Emily now," Cecelia stated, directing her statement at Fiona.

"For Emily, the good guys are extinct," Fiona stated.

"I really need to do something about that. Is she dating anyone? I am more than okay if she is into girls." Cecelia asked, intrigued.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no! You are not interfering in her life the way you had with mine. She has already hinted about you making her your next target. Moreover, she will never agree to marry a stranger like I did." Fiona crossed her arms, challenging her grandmother to counter her.

"I was not a stranger to you when we got married. You knew me as your boss." Justin attempted to rebut his wife's remark.

"Close to strangers than or better term will be an acquaintance." Fiona corrected her statement, but she didn't budge from not calling him a stranger.

Justin rolled his eyes at this.

"Okay, we do agree that getting you two married straight away was going over the board. But we don't regret the decision. You finally came around, didn't you?" Cynthia justified her and Cecelia's actions.

"That still doesn't make your way right." Justin pointed out.

"Sure, whatever helps you two move forward in your life. But we won't be repeating the same error with Emily. Even though it isn't actually a mistake. Anyway, that girl needs to find a suitable boy." Cecelia stated emphatically that she would not back down from her new mission of Emily's non-romance life.

"Isn't James also single?" Cynthia asked after she remembered her grandson's best buddy.

"Don't, Grams! I really don't think you should make him your next target." Justin tried to convince his grandmother otherwise.

"So, Emily and James, both are single." Cynthia was pondering something and nodded her head.

"Christ! Are you even listening to what we are saying?" Justin asked them loudly.

"No." Both of their grandmothers spoke at the same time.

"Don't even think about matching them together. They are like fire and ice." Justin tried to warn the two crazy old ladies sitting in front of him.

"Well, Emily do need a guy who is tougher than her. Someone who can keep her on her toes..." Cecelia spoke aloud her thoughts, which Cynthia then continued.

"And James needs someone sweet, who is there for him in the best way possible."

"They are polar apart," Justing pointed out.

"Just because, they do not suit each other, doesn't mean we cannot find someone else for them." Cecelia was deep in thought.

"It is clear that you two have made up your mind. I want no part in this, so I am going into the kitchen and pretending that I didn't listen to any of it. But, please let it go." Fiona told their Grams and followed through on her instructions.

"Exactly what she said." Justin trailed after her.

While Justin was immersed in meditation, Fiona was drinking water.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" Fiona inquired.

"That I was right about you and that our crazy grandmothers are not going to give up this easily," Justin told her.

"Don't be smug about it. At the very least, they are not pairing Emily and James together." Fiona said.

"You sure about that? With those two old ladies out there, everything is possible. With age, even their ideas are getting crazier than ever." Justin pointed out the facts to his wife.

"Those two are impossible. But I highly doubt Emily and James will get entangled in these shambles. Emily is way too stubborn to listen to my Grams, and James seems sensible enough to be able to see through this mess. He will figure out a way to convince your grandmother otherwise."

"I hope you are right. And, unlike us, Emily and James are not emotionally invested in our grandmother to that level. So, they should be fine." Justin hoped.

Something more, though, was brewing in Cynthia's and Cecelia's minds.

"Are we going to listen to our grandkids?" Cecelia asked her best friend.

"For the time being, yes. But they are gullible even to think that we would ever give up. We just planted the seeds in their head." Cynthia responded.

"That they are, and we just did," Cecelia agreed with a knowing grin.

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