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It was eight-thirty in the morning when Fiona heard a knock on her door. She was startled by the sound, as Justin had never once talked to Fiona in the house in the past few weeks. She kept the comb on the dressing table, which she was using to do her hair, and opened the door.

"Good morning." Justin greeted her with a smile. Fiona could clearly see that he was a little nervous.

"Good Morning." Fiona greeted him back, returning the gesture.

"I just came to tell you that breakfast is ready," Justin told her.

"You made breakfast for me?" Fiona asked with wide eyes. She was stunned by his gesture.

"Yes, so, come on fast. We will eat together."

"You didn't have to do that," Fiona told him while Justin led his wife towards the kitchen.

"I wanted to. It is nothing grand. Just simple Egg Toast." He said,

"Thanks, Justin." Fiona gave him a full smile. She really appreciated it. This made Justin's heart melt.

He never thought that a smile could have such an impact.

"So, how much black do you like in your coffee?" Justin asked her while making a coffee.

"No black. I like it with milk and two spoons of sugar." Fiona told him.

"Okay. Can you just pass me the milk?" Justin requested her. For a minute, she went blank, as she had zero clue about anything in his kitchen.

When Justin saw Fiona freeze, he called her name. "Fiona? Are you okay?"

"Yes, sorry. Milk?" She asked him hesitantly.

"Yes, milk - in the fridge." He told her slowly.

"Right, in the fridge. I will get it for you." She said this while slowly walking towards the refrigerator.

Relief set in when she saw that the packet was right in front of her when she opened the door. With a hesitant smile, she handed it to him.


After a few minutes of silence, when Justin noticed that Fiona was deep in thought, he asked her in concern. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I was thinking about work. Sorry." She covered.

"Work? And people call me a workaholic. Anyway, here is your coffee." Justin said while handing over the cup.

"Thanks." She replied.

Following some light discussion, both of them departed for work together. It was unusual for Fiona to be with Justin in a friendly way. He was really putting an effort, or more like, behaving naturally amicable towards her. The silence in the car was also not uncomfortable, and music was blasting all through the ride.

As they reached their destination, both bid goodbyes and proceeded towards their room. Fiona was about to settle in and start working when her best friend, Emily, barged in.

"Where the hell is that good-for-nothing husband of yours?" Emily looked beyond pissed.

"In his cabin, maybe? Emily, what's the matter? What did Justin do?" Fiona asked her worriedly.

"That dimwit is not in his cabin." Emily exited Fiona's room without further explanation.

"Why do I feel Emily will not care that Justin is our boss and will assault him?" Adrian asked her.

He wanted to laugh, as it is not always when an employee dares to threaten their boss. But, knowing Emily for a little while, she has guts.

"Because she wouldn't. I need to go and make sure no one lands in jail or in a hospital." Fiona turned to Adrian and dashed out in search of her best friend.

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