Varian becomes human and Ruddiger becomes a raccoon

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Hello fellow readers Violet and Leyna here bring you the romantic tale of our little merman who's about to meet his beautiful Princess and Ruddiger will see his Ruby. this will be short so please bare with us so with that enjoy.😍

Varian POV:

So we arrived to the surface and I lay my back again the rock I took off my topaz specs to get the hair out of my eyes. When I move my hair I saw that the spell had work I had legs and feet I was so happy then I look and saw Ruddiger was a raccoon. Ruddiger said "Huh Varian it work your human am I raccoon." But I couldn't say anything. Eugene said "We'll look what the catfish dragged in look at you there's something different I got it it's your hair due right you been using that dinglehopper." I shake my head no. Eugene said "We'll let me see hey new seashells." I shake my head no again. Eugene said "I need a min I can't put my foot on it." Adira said "He's got legs and Ruddiger has paws you idiot they traded a scale and his voice to the sea witch and got legs." Eugene said "I knew that." Ruddiger said "We got turned into a human and a raccoon. We gotta make the Princess and her pet Ruby to fall in love with us and they gonna kiss us and we got three days." We got up and tried to walk but we fell down and splash down in the water. I tried again but fell back and splash Adira and Eugene. Then Eugene started to sing.

(play the song on top if you want to don't own the song)

What's this. You giving up
So soon you gotta have a
Little gumption. Yeah
A can-do kinda attitude
Take it from a
gull who
Now look at me
You see this face
In terms of beauty I'm
A basket case
And as for style and savoire
Well, I guess there ain't
A whole lot there
Yup although perhaps
It makes no sense
I strut my stuff
With lots of confidence
Cause though I lack
And awful lot
There is one thing I got
I got positoovity
I got positoovity
It gives me the Zam
And the zow
And the yaddle laddle laddle
That why my walk
With a wiggle in my waddle
Cause once you've heard that
There ain't nothing you can do
So let that positoovity
Work for you

Positoovity? Why der's no
Such word

Course there is in the dictionary
Right between pop suckle and prehysterical. Believe you me I
Seen it work miracles
Now he's a shmoe


And he's a shelp


And this one doesn't
Got the sharpest rep


In fact all three without a doubt
Mister David brains were handed out

But if he's no sage
And he's no wiz
The whole world thinks
That we are geniuses
Cause all our screws
May be unscrewed
But dig our attitude

Eugene and people:
We got positoovity

How 'bout you huh

Eugene and people:
We got positoovity

Just try it out come on

It gives us the bing
And the bang

And the yippee-dip-doodle

Eugene and people:
That's why we sounds
Like thers knowledge
In our noodle
And once you learned that word
There aren't nothing you can do
So let that positricity

N-n-o positroocity
Works or you

Varian don't take advice from these birdbrains

Birdbrains. Who you calling
We got natural talent what
I like to call Gull-ability

Eugene and people:
So with the vip and the vap
And the ba-ba boo
You can flip any flap
Till your wish comes true.
The tip is the tap
Into something that you believe

Cause with the zig and the zug
And the zig-zug-zing
There's ain't nothing you can't be
You see it's really your

Eugene and people:
You simply can't think nogative

Then there's you just sitting
Smack down flat upon your
Dairy air hey
If thast the way you wanna be
Well you might as well be
So stand right up and dust your
And walk real tall upon
Your own two feet
And sure you'll trip
And make mistakes
But you've got what it

Eugene and people:
And now you know that word
There ain't nothing you can't do

So got some posilicity
You can bet on positricity
And just let positrinity
No positroonity
Is it. Pardon hat is it


Eugene and people:
Positively work for you

After the song Adira was going to March home and said "I'm going home to tell your father about this young man hopefully he can get you and Ruddiger back to normal. But I stop and pick her up shaking my head no. Because if we go home we will never be happy ever. And be miserable for the rest of our lives. Adira said "Okay I'll help you get the Princess and her pet to love you both." Me and Ruddiger were so happy but I still need to know what I was going to wear. Eugene said "I got an idea." He found a sail that was on the beach and wrap it around making a shirt and pants. And now I was finally ready to meet the love of my life.

End of chapter 12
Hope you guys enjoy that chapter my fellow readers see you all in chapter 13.

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