Rhinestone Eyes

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i decided to do an imagine after all this time.

this imagine is a snippet of an upcoming book im thinking of writing :)

i have ideas of what i want to do and this is just one of many.

also her name is Saoirse (ser-sha), its an irish name, it means freedom.

enjoy <3


Five sat impatiently in the waiting area of an emergency room.

A doctor arrives with a clipboard in hand, carefully analysing the paper on it.

"Is he okay?" He looked up with a hopeful glint across his eyes.

The doctor sighed, "Maybe we need to speak about this in a more private setting. Follow me."

She took him to a small room with two chairs and a desk, there was nothing else in the room besides that.

"So? He's okay right?" Five nodded.

The doctor looked down and back up with a hesitant inhale. "I'm extremely sorry, he didn't make it. If you would like to submit a report to the police of what happened I have a document here you can sign.." Her words faded as Five stared on.

Five walked into the agency. "Saoirse?"

No reply.

Five hummed in confusion. He walked to her room. "Saoirse? You alright?"

She was sat at her desk, drawing something.. aggressively. "Saoirse, what are you doing?" He looked over her shoulder. It was black swirls all over the paper.

"You're having another episode." He carefully took the pen from her hand.

"Calm down, Saoirse." He pulled her chair back a bit and almost kneeled in front of her.

Her expression was emotionless. Like there was nothing left of her. "Listen, it'll be okay, just listen to my voice. Let it guide you."

She murmured something, but not loud enough for Five to hear it. "What?" He frowned.

"She killed him." She spoke louder, directing her stare at Five.

"It's just another episode, you'll get over it." He reassured.

"She killed Him!" She screamed, and shook violently.

"Killed who?"


Her bestfriend.

"No Lloyd is okay. Lloyd is safe." Five shook his head.

Five was disturbed, her episodes were never usually this bad. "He's fine, Saoirse."

"No.. he's not." Her voice was a serious tone, but much quieter.

Five's expression dropped. "Saoirse.. what did you do?" He ran around the agency, looking for Lloyd.

"Shit, Saoirse!" He yelled.

She sat silently in her room. Looking on.

He gasped loudly as he opened Lloyd's wardrobe, as Lloyd's body fell forward and made a loud thud on the ground. Five moved out of the way.

He checked Lloyd and realised he was still breathing.

"Lloyd? Can you hear me?"

He groaned in response. Claw marks covered his face, dripping with blood.

He knew she could get out of control, but not this out of control..

Five spatial jumped to an car parked outside of the agency.

He smashed the windows and turned the engine on. He laid Lloyd down in the back.

Five put his foot down on the acceleration pedal, increasing the speed within seconds.

20mph... 30mph... 40mph.. 50.. 60.. 70.. 80.. 90.. 91.. 92.. 93.. 94.. 95.. 96.. 97.. 98.. 99....100.

He reached the nearest emergency room in minutes.

He got out and took Lloyd out of the car too, running in.

The doctors took him and Five sat impatiently in the waiting area of an emergency room.

The Merrow.


if you know some Celtic folklore you may know what a Merrow is.

i have to go back to school on wednesday and i am not live laugh loving it, but it'll be my last year of secondary school and then onto college🥲

the only thing i'm looking forward to this school year is prom, and that's it.

anyways hope u enjoyed the sneak peak <3

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