Bury your berries.

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With the departure of Raspberry Mousse Cookie, the royals set off to the Cranberry Forest. They went through the Grandberry Market, and far across the beach, they were now having to head into the forest.

Bumbleberry: Well this sure looks safe!

Blueberry: I would hope it is.

Bumbleberry: Do you understand sarcasm?

Cranberry: She doesn't.

Blueberry: I can!

Princess: Let's just go in.

Knight: Right away your leadershipness.

Raspberry: This is going to be a mess.

Princess Cookie walked into the forest in a order, her first, then Raspberry Cookie, Knight Cookie, Cranberry Cookie, Bumbleberry Cookie, and Blueberry Cookie. The forest was lush with so much deciduous grass and foliage. The trees looked as old as the Hollyberry Kingdom, clearly the trees here weren't being chopped, only played with and carved on. One of the trees seemed to have many hearts with initials, some of which included: WL + TK, PV + DC, SF + ML, SB + MB + CBB, P + CA, and JB + RB. (Might as well comment if you know all these initials, I'm serious, comment if you know some of these, all are cookies.). None of them payed any mind to it, but they were fascinated that cookies would carve their initials there. They kept walking,and soon enough, it began to rain, the lush forest was of course, a rainforest.

Princess: Ah! I'm getting soaked!

Knight: I'll be your umbrella your wetness.

Raspberry: Pfft, your wetness.

Knight: Do not judge my naming!

Princess Cookie lifted Knight Cookie above her and was used as an umbrella. Some would call him a simp for going around like this, but he just is really dedicated to his job.

Raspberry: There is not enough Knight Cookie umbrellas to go around, so uh...let's look for shelter!

They ran together, Blueberry Cookie trying to keep up the best she could.
They managed to find a hollow tree, but it wasn't even big, if they went in there, jelly bugs could probably be on them. They kept going since they would rather be wet than have a bug crawl into their dough slowly as they try to pry out the invader. They then found a tree, not even hollow, but it had cover. The grass was wet due to runoff, but otherwise, it was a dry spot.

Raspberry: Under the tree! Go!

Bumbleberry: Aiiieee!

They went under the tree, and were now safe from the downpour. They all squeezed the rainforest juice out of their hair, except Princess and Knight Cookie.

Blueberry: My shoes are all muddy!

Cranberry: Well the lower part of my dress is wet and muddy, and my shoes...

Bumbleberry: Well my shoes and tailcoat are wet and muddy!

Raspberry: We all are wet and muddy! Even Princess Cookie is wet and muddy! Knight Cookie is just wet!

Knight: She has a point, I am only wet.

Raspberry: That was an observation!

Knight: Right...

Bumbleberry: Well we need new clothing, how far did we go from the kingdom?

Cranberry: 30 minutes away.

Bumbleberry: Why such an analogy?

Cranberry: The sign over there.

There was a sign stating that the Hollyberry Kingdom was 30 minutes to the right of the sign.

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