The island calls again...and again...

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By the morning, aka 8am. Bumbleberry Cookie woke up again, only to be met with  Raspberry Cookies hair on her face.
She then realized she was covered all over.

Bumbleberry: Mph!

She shook, trying to get the others off of her, but only Raspberry Cookie woke up.

Raspberry: Ugh...what were those vibrations in my hair...?

Bumbleberry: Bzzzt! Buzz!

Raspberry: Quit angrily buzzing at me!

Bumbleberry: Get these ladies off me then!

Raspberry: You are in a very compromising a shame if I were to sit on your face.

Bumbleberry Cookie got flustered and tried to move, but she had been covered still.

Raspberry: If I really wanted to, I could, but I think you have enough on your hands, literally.

Bumbleberry: Just get them off me!

Raspberry: No thanks, but keep being that way.

She kissed Bumbleberry Cookies forehead and left the room in search of the knights.
Bumbleberry Cookie was silently screaming.

Raspberry: Where could those two be? Why is there a gathering outside?

She looked outside only to see a giant truffle cake.

Raspberry: What in the world?!

She ran back to the room and lifted the princesses off of Bumbleberry Cookie.

Bumbleberry: Why did you shout?

Raspberry: There is a huge cake outside!

Royals: Cake?!

They ran outside and were met with a crowd of cookies, lining up for a slice of the giant truffle cake, it was the size of the houses in the area.
The ones handing out the cake, Knight and Pistachio Cookie.

Princess: Knight Cookie, did you make this?!

Knight: No, Pistachio Cookie helped out.

Pistachio: We made cakes all knight and had them baked together, and we made this!

Knight: I'll get you guys a slice, hold on.

Knight Cookie got larger slices of the cake and handed it to the royals, but as soon as he did, it seemed the cakes would disappear, leaving the royal he gave it to with chocolate on their face.

Knight: Are you Cookirby or something?

Raspberry: I want more!

Knight: Well you will have to wait until everyone else gets their slice, we are almost done anyways.

Pistachio: Don't let them get too close, it's like if they look at the cake, it's gone the next millisecond.

The royals cakes were gone basically the second they were handed it.

Knight: Yeah, maybe you can help hand out cakes to make this faster.

Princess: I can do that!

Raspberry: Whatever gets me more of that stuff!

Blueberry: I bet Cranberry Cookie will love helping.

Cranberry: I will not, I just want to cake.

Bumbleberry: I will definitely help though!

And so the group handed out cakes to the villagers, everyone there was happy with their cake.

Knight: Alright, you guys can eat the remaining c-it's gone!

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