The time was 3am, the worst time to be pulling pranks such as this. Raspberry Cookie opened the dear, and the four flooded in, surrounding the sleeping Bumbleberry Cookie.
Blueberry: Look who fell asleep first, prank em Rasp.
Raspberry: I gotchu fam.
She poured the honey of Bumbleberry Cookies face and clothing.
Bumbleberry: Ah! What is going on, am I drowning?!
Cranberry Cookie grabbed one of her legs and Raspberry and Blueberry Cookie kept her down.
Princess with the Komi San face: You are in for a world of unlucky pleasure.
Cranberry: I told you this was going to happen!
Bumbleberry: Well this honey is late! So now I don't want it!
Princess: That's not for you, it's for us.
Bumbleberry: Wh-what do you mean? You aren't about to bang me right?
The others: ...
Bumbleberry: Right?
Princess: Take her pants off!
Bumbleberry: Wait, wait, wait, wait! At least let me wake up first!
Cranberry: No.
And Bumbleberry Cookie had her pants and panties removed.
Bumbleberry: Ah! Ok, no, don't look!
She crossed her legs in embarrassment. Cranberry Cookie pulled her legs back open.
Cranberry: Raspberry Cookie, a little honey over here please?
Bumbleberry: Are you going to eat me?!
Cranberry: I will be going about it the other way.
Bumbleberry: Why am I being slow?! Why are you guys perverts?!
Cranberry: You called me "butt lady" a few hours ago, you have no ground to stand on for that.
Bumbleberry: Was I drunk?
Cranberry: Still no ground.
Raspberry: Here's the honey~
She handed the honey to Cranberry Cookie.
Bumbleberry: Why can't we do this to Raspberry Cookie first, or Blueberry Cookie?!
Cranberry: Because you fell asleep first, and by our new internal law, you are fair game.
Bumbleberry Cookie was heavily embarrassed by the predicament, but was then even more embarrassed as They removed her shirt and bra.
Bumbleberry: No! I need those for my remaining pride!
Princess: You won't really have much after this, heheh.
Cranberry: She's already wet.
Bumbleberry: Leave me alone! This is turning me on!
Cranberry: At least you admit it.
She rubbed the honey on Bumbleberry.
Bumbleberry: Wait, don't go near that spot! Eep~!
Princess: Sensitive much?
Blueberry: I wonder what a bumbleberry berry and honey covered tit tastes like.
Raspberry: I'll try that, hand over the honey Cranberry Cookie.
The honey was being traded as if it were a pokemon card.
Bumbleberry: Have mercy on me...
Raspberry: We will do our worst to you.
Fruits of Royalty.
RomanceIt's been a few months after the princess contest. Princess Cookie has returned to talk to the house royals about adventure, only to find out Jungleberry Cookie was taken by a Shady Noble. Now Princess Cookie sets off with 3 of the house royals and...