Shell out in a forest.

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In the morning (8am), Bumbleberry Cookie woke up, only to be moving Raspberry Cookies hair off her face.

Bumbleberry: Buzzz...huh?

Raspberry Cookie grabbed the recently awakened Bumbleberry Cookie and held her, still asleep. Meanwhile with the Cranberry Cookie, she was holding Blueberry Cookies hand.
Knight Cookie was already out of the house and doing work to gain vegetables.
Princess Cookie was sleeping upside down on her couch.

Bumbleberry: Oh golly. Ms Raspberry Cookie, wake up and let go please.

Raspberry: Hngh...five more minutes...

Bumbleberry: Please let go.

The door swung open with Knight Cookie and the vegetables behind it.

Knight: Oops, I have food, and honey...

Raspberry Cookie flinched and her grip on Bumbleberry Cookie tightened, unfortunately her hands ended up going up and she had squeezed Bumbleberry Cookies neck.

Bumbleberry: Guzzz!

Raspberry: I will crumble-oops, sorry Bumbleberry Cookie...

Bumbleberry: Let...go...

She let go of Bumbleberry Cookies very squeezable neck. Bumbleberry Cookie was now catching her breath.
Knight Cookie went to the other room as was making the salads.

Blueberry: Uh...morning already?

Cranberry: Ah! Why are your hands on mine!

Blueberry: I was dreaming of hugging everyone here, but wake up with this?

Princess, Raspberry, Cranberry, and Bumbleberry: Everyone?!

Blueberry: I dunno, I just seem to like everyone here.

Cranberry: I tolerate everyone, but I have good thoughts on Raspberry Cookie the most.

Raspberry: I have good thoughts on Princess Cookie, even though when she beat me, it was unfair.

Bumbleberry: I think Cranberry is the cool one though.

Princess: I like you all still.

Knight: Breakfast time! And since I worked hard, I managed to make a salad for each of us!

Princess: What?

Knight: Get into the kitchen and look!

They walked into the kitchen and their eyes widened in surprise. Knight Cookie had made the royals and himself as vegetables. Raspberry Cookie was standing on Blueberry Cookie while sword fighting Cranberry Cookie on Bumbleberry Cookie. Princess Cookie was standing on Knight Cookie also sword fighting.

Cranberry: You made it that fast?!

Knight: When I have time, I like to cook and play around with food. This is why I am so good at it.

Raspberry Cookie grabbed the salad that looked like herself and began eating the rapier salad.

Raspberry: He put honey in the rapier! It's so sweet!

The other royals rushed to eat their salad copies. It took them longer to eat than usual since the actual bone parts were made of honey comb.

Princess: How did you get so much honeycomb?!

Knight: I played the role of beekeeper for an hour and didn't get stung.

Cranberry: Give me your knight!

Princess: Never!

Blueberry: I want him too!

Knight: Sorry, but I am a loyal knight to only Princess Cookie.

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