Party Night

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I've had to listen to that one Kate Bush song so much at work that I don't even want to think about Stranger Things. Anyways here's this thing!

"Oh my gosh, hi guys! Yeah, come in."

Y/N stepped aside and let their guests into the house. You could hear the music and see the lights from outside, even when the door was closed. It was a Friday, which was when Alex, Y/N's roommate, had her famous house parties. These things were always packed; I mean, what else would you expect from a bunch of college students?

Y/N squeezed their way through the crowds of people. No one even looked their way. It made sense, they weren't here for Y/N. Alex was the stud who invited everyone here.

"S'cuse me, sorry. Coming through."

Somehow, going through the crowd messed up Y/N's outfit, even though it was so minimal. They straightened their sweater and patted their dark hair back into place before entering the kitchen.

Besides the living room, this was the most crowded room in the house. It's where the alcohol was, after all. Y/N stuck out like a sore thumb. Not only were they the only sober one, they were the only half-demogorgon in this whole party! That must be why no one wants to talk to me. The thought crept up on Y/N, but they tried to shake it off. There was another crowd to get through, after all.

And so, keeping their head down, Y/N slowly made it through another mass of party-goers. Most of them were already too drunk to remember their manners, leaving Y/N to have to practically push most of them out of the way. After what felt like an eternity, they made it to their target.

Alex was standing next to the island in the middle of the kitchen where some of the others were playing drinking games. She didn't drink, but found it amusing watching the others play. She stood tall above them, her muscles and sharp jawline being her most prominent features. That's how Y/N even found her through the crowd. Well, that along with her long red hair and fashion that made it look like she just emerged from the woods.

Next to her stood Alex's girlfriend, Robin. Of course she has a girlfriend, Y/N thought. She had an arm wrapped around Alex's shoulders. Her appearance was far cleaner than her partner's, even given that she was in the middle of a party. Robin's hair was a wavy bob and her fashion was alternative with a hint of professionalism. She didn't seem too drunk either, apart from the way she was practically depending on Alex for support. But that might have just been because she was laughing so hard; laughing that much was also unusual for her, though, so maybe she was a bit tipsy.

Nevertheless, Y/N made their way over to their roommate, squeezing along the edge of the island. This is the only place where a couple people shot glances at Y/N, but they seemed mad. They must have messed up the players' throws. Finally on the other side, Y/N tapped Alex's arm.

"Eh, hey Alex?" Y/N had to look up to meet her eyes.

"Hm? Oh, hey Y/N! Is something wrong?"

"No no, I'm fine! I just wanted to tell you that my, uh-"

"Oh right, your D&D thing! I nearly forgot about that, sorry bud."

She said it a bit too loud for Y/N's comfort. They took a quick look at the others at the table, swearing that some of them were staring at her when Alex said it. But Y/N swallowed hard and resumed the conversation.

"Y-yeah." Their response was a whisper compared to the noise around them.

Alex smiled at Y/N. "Me n' Robin will see if anyone else wants to join, alright?" She turned to her partner, leaning closer to her and saying something. This prompted Robin to push away from her, rather reluctantly, and disappear amongst the others. Alex faced back to Y/N. "Just go get everything set up. We'll be right up, m'kay?"

Y/N only nodded in response. Alex gave them a firm pat on the back, striding in the opposite direction they were facing. Welp, Y/N thought, planning their route of escape from the overcrowded kitchen, here we go again.

After another forever, Y/N emerged from a cluster of people next to the front door. They breathed a sigh of relief, as there weren't many people on the stairs or even the second floor. Grabbing the railing with their claws, Y/N just hoped no one was making out on their bed.

Y/N walked against the wall, going a bit faster now that there was space to breathe. They slipped into their room at the same time as another couple. Y/N glared at them, daring them to even attempt what they were here for. The two, after sharing a scared look, scurried from the room. Y/N was glad that people were scared enough of them to give them personal space, but it was still upsetting. Trying to get past the interaction, Y/N pulled their D&D board from the top of their closet.

Shwp, plop, scribble scribble scribble.

After a few minutes, everything was set up. Y/N had placed some pillows on the ground with the board right in the center. Since they were the dungeon master, Y/N had the adventure script next to their pillow. Although there were four other pillows around the circle, Y/N only expected two of them to be used. In the end, Alex and Robin were probably gonna be the only ones to join the game. Given Y/N's interactions with anyone else apart from those two, this was a reasonable expectation.

Y/N assumed position on their pillow, papers in hand. They sat for a minute. Then two. Then five. Ten, twenty maybe? Eventually they stopped counting.

Where are they? Y/N frowned, resting their head in a hand. Alex and Robin never skip out on a game, what's going on?

Y/N contemplated the possibilities, but suddenly it clicked. The realization brought tears to their eyes. They didn't forget, this is on purpose! They don't want to spend time with me anymore.

Y/N buried their face in their hands. The situation made sense, but it still felt like someone stomped on their heart. Those two were the only people in this whole town they hung out with, and they just ditched! They couldn't believe it.

"Who would wanna hang out with a loser like me, though? Hah..."

Taking a deep breath, Y/N slid their claws off of their face. They stood and picked up some pillows, tossing them back onto the bed. Only three were still on the ground. But as they reached for the board...

"Hey, I heard there was some kinda tournament up here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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