Normal checkup

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Hey guys, as u know in my story 'Strict Doctor and his Jhalli Wife' twinkle is very immature, childish and jhalli type and i want her like that only. If i will show her pregnancy phase then she will be no more kiddish type. Ofcourse she will have to behave maturely as she has a life inside her and on top of that she will have to follow some rules and restrictions and not to forget medicines and shots which definitely she not gonna like. Twinj has ishaan also with them whom they loved like their own child so if another baby comes then ishaan's scenes wont be that much and i dont want that.

But some of u want to see her pregnancy phase and kunj's struggle to handle her mood swings and tantrums. So i m here with another short story. I will show her whole gestation period (9 months) and how kunj gonna handle her. U can consider it as a sequel of strict doctor or a missing part of that story as all characters will be same. I hope u likes it.

So lets start.....

After 2 yrs of twinj marriage,

Twinj has successfully completed 2 yrs of their marriage but their love is same as b4 infact it has increased day by day. They both r deeply and madly in love. Kunj whenever got time he doesnt leave even a single chance to make love to her and now without any protection. Yes now they both r ready for a child but even after doing unprotected sex since 6 months twinkle is not pregnant yet but kunj doesnt mind it and he is not even desperate for it. He just express his love in form of love making and rest he has left on god. In starting Twinkle always becomes tensed on this topic. He has made her understand many times that it is completely ok. Every coitus doesnt result into pregnancy. It maybe take some time but she always ended up crying. So now kunj mostly avoid baby's topic. They dont even think about it and just enjoys their marriage life and they r happy with ishaan.

From some days twinkle is not feeling well. She mostly feels nausea, headache and she becomes irritated really quick and not to forget her mood swings uff....she immidiately starts crying whenever kunj scolds her even a little. She has become more picky in the matter of food. For some she says she doesnt like its smell and for other she says she doesnt want to have it now as she is feeling like she will vomit everything if she will have even a single bite. As kunj already knows her habbit of not liking food much except fast foods so he scolds her and makes her eat forcefully but he is also worried for her seeing her mostly tired and not concentrating on anything much. He suggested for a checkup but how can twinkle easily let him check her so she firmly denied him. She told him it always happens with her whenever her periods skip for a long time bcz she always has irregular menstruations but now from 2-3 days she is feeling light cramps in her abdomen means she will be on her periods soon then she will be ok. Kunj agreed with her and left that topic as he also knows it mostly happens in women. But now he has noticed she is urinating most often and that made him extremely tensed. He is damn sure something is definitely wrong with her and as a result now he is literally dragging her to hospital for a checkup ignoring her all pleadings.

In kunj's cabin;

T- kunj pls na i m fine. I dont need any checkup. Pls lets go back home pls.

K(strictly)- twinkle shut up. I have already listened u from many days but now no more. U r getting a checkup today and thats final. So u better sit silently ok and let me do my work otherwise i will call nurses to hold u down or tie u here and u know me i can do it so better shut ur mouth.

Twinkle after listening his scoldings doesnt say anything and hungs her head down but she starts crying silently. Kunj looks at her and get to know that she is crying but this time he ignores her as he know this checkup is important for her. He brings all the things which he requires for her checkup and puts them beside her as she was sitting on examination bed. He first takes thermometer and gently raise her chin and see her face was wet due to her tears and nose has becomes red. She was looking extremely cute sniffing like a baby that he has to literally bites his cheeks to stop his smile.

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