Vaccines and injection hurts

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Listening about blood test twinkle becomes hell scared and kunj closes his eyes knowing that would come for sure. Doodle comes towards twinkle.

D- twinkle dont be scared. See it is nothing. Just close ur eyes and hold kunj hand ok.

T(scared)- no i dont want it kunj pls na.

K(sighs)- twinkle this is important otherwise how will he know that which nutrients in ur blood r less hmm. And u know if u wont get proper nutrients during this time then how will our baby who is inside ur tummy will grow properly haan plus u remember u promised me yesterday na that if i need to take ur sample then u will coperate so pls twinkle.

D- today u listen its heartbeats na. It was totally fine and if u want it to be fine like that then u need to take all medicines on time twinkle and i can give u medicines only after checking ur blood. So plss.

They both hit the exact string of twinkle's heart. For her child she can do anything so what is this blood test. Twinkle pulls kunj towards herself and snuggles her face in his tummy and hugs his waist tightly making kunj and doodle smile. Kunj forwards her one hand towards doodle and holds it firmly and from other hand he caresses her hairs. Doodle ties torniquet around her arm and finds her vein then he wipes that area and very gently inserts the needle. Twinkle flinches and starts crying. Kunj kisses her head to calm her. Doodle pulls back the plunger to collect her blood but blood was not coming so he takes out the needle and inserts again. Twinkle screams.

T(crying)- ahhhh doodle bhaiyaa.

D- sry twinkle but i think u lack iron in ur body. Really sry for this.

He again tries to collect her blood but it still was not coming out. He takes out the needle and looks at kunj. Kunj was also tensed as twinkle was crying so much.

K- try one more time.

T(screams)- nooo plsss.

She struggles to come out from kunj's grip but he holds her tightly.

K- shhh bs one more time twinkle and it will be over soon calm down.

Doodle again inserts the needle slightly away from last 2 spots making twinkle cry badly but kunj and he ignore her bcz their main concern is this r8 now. Doodle slowly starts pulling plunger back and luckily this time blood starts filling in syringe making both of them sigh in relief. Twinkle was badly crying in pain. Kunj caresses her hairs and kisses her head.

K(whispers)- i m sry and i promise i will make it up for this later. Relax its almost done now. Shh bss its done.

Doodle after taking some blood takes out the needle and kunj immidiately starts rubbing her arm which was red now due to continuously poking. Doodle calls a nurse and gives her that sample then he takes out his gloves and cleans his hand. After wiping them he comes towards twinkle who was still crying and kunj was trying to calm her. He kisses her forehead.

D- achha i m sry for this shh pls stop crying now. See its over na.

T(crying)- u both r bad. U poke me 3 times when u clearly know it pains. I wont talk to u. Go away. (she pushes kunj away from her)

K(tries to hold her hand)- twinkle listen to me.

T(screams)- i said get lost kunj sarna.

Kunj immidiately backs off knowing she is hell angry r8 now so there is no point to make her understand anything. Doodle pats his back.

D- take her home for now. She is in pain and very much angry. She wont listen anything. And we will discuss all about that later ok.

Kunj sighs and nods.

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