First movement

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5th month of pregnancy;

T- kunj no i wont go without u.

K- twinkle listen to me. Did i ever leave u alone for anything hmm. (twinkle shakes her head) then if now i m toh it must be a very strong reason r8.

T(slowly)- but why?

K- twinkle now this little cupcake which is chilling inside ur tummy na has developed most of the organ systems which includes genitals too and these can be visible in ultrasounds and we can get to know if this is a girl or a boy.

T(excitedly)- really then it is toh awesome na. Now finally i can see my baby fully. Yayyyy. Kunj why r u not coming. (sadly) dont u want to see our baby kunj. R u angry?

Kunj chuckles hearing her. Her mood swings are horrible. In one moment she becomes so much happy and excited like she literally starts dancing and in the very next moment she becomes so much sad and wants to cry out loud. So now let me tell u what is going on here. Actually as twinkle is in her 5th month so they both have come for her regular checkup. They r in doodle's cabin and he wants to do an ultrasound and as now there is a chance foetus's genitals can be clearly seen so kunj cant go with twinkle. Twinkle is already scared and this is the first time that kunj is not accompanying her in this so she is pleading kunj to join her and he is trying to make her understand the situation.

K(cups her cheeks)- nahi baba i m not angry and twinkle trust me i m dying to see our baby but rules r rules r8. I cant come with u bcz before delivery it is illegal to know the sex of baby in india. I know this rule is for some sick minded people and we r not like them but twinkle i want to wait till 9 months. Just think once it will be fun na when after waiting for that much long our baby will come in our hands and then we will get to know the gender r8. So pls u go inside. I promise i m sitting r8 here only and when u need me just shout my name and i will come inside immidiately but not now pls jaan.

D- haan twinkle come and see u already have done this before also na and u know it doesnt hurt even a bit then why r u scared hmm.

T- i dont know bs i feel nervous seeing all those big machines and all the stuffs.

K(smiles and kisses her forehead)- nothing will happen trust me ok. Just go and doodle show her little muchkin fir iski sari nervousness dur ho jaegi.

Doodle nods. Twinkle looks at kunj with pouty face but he chuckles and blinks his eyes so she holds doodle's hand and went inside and kunj sits outside in the cabin.

Inside examination room;

Twinkle lies down on the bed and upwards her kurti till her breasts. Doodle sets all the things and wears the gloves and sits beside her on the stool.

D- Twinkle bchcha lower ur leggings little down such that i can check lower abdomen.

Twinkle nods and pulls her leggings down exposing her navel and lower abdomen. Doodle pours gel on her abdomen then takes the probe.

D- so ready to see ur little one. (twinkle excitedly nods making him chuckle) chlo fir lets see what this little nudget is doing and say hlo to it. (doodle moves the probe on her abdomen and images of foetus starts coming on the monitor.)

T(whines)- bhaiya i cant see anything. U and kunj toh understand everything in this but for me these r only black and white dots.

D(laughs)- aww my cute little sis koi ni i will show u. See that moving part on the screen.

T- ohh babaji is this my baby.(doodle nods) But it is so small. Mra baby itna chhotu kyu h.

D- twinkle it is only 5 months to offcourse baby chhotu hoga na. Slowly slowly he will grow up and will be fully ready to come in ur arms after 9 months. (twinkle smiles) Seems like this little one is not in the mood to cooperate today thats why it is moving so much rapidly. Arent u feeling it.

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