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Jason knew over Dick sneaking out and he still haven't spoken a word over it or asked him about it. Sometimes he'd bring home something they'd need or could make use off and Dick has never seemed harmed making Jason gladly pretend he didn't know about it. But Jason took his own silence and decided to play the same game by sneaking out at night and helping to earn a bit of extra cash. 

It happened not long after he did reached eleven and half, Dick had fallen ill with a type of bird flu. It was rather bad and he lost both his jobs, leaving them with only the money left in their money pots. Dr. Leslie Thompkins from the free clinic had taken him in for a couple of nights and have given them the medication. But Dick needed a whole month before he was back on his feet, the first week he was just really sickly and neither understood why until Jason finally ran off to find help. The next week after he spent half at the free clinic and at home. The next two weeks he stayed at home and was forced to rest and sleep as much as possible even when the medication was doing it's job and making him filled recovered. 

But a whole full weeks without earned money, Jason had to force Dick home when he still tried to reach both his jobs and work but mostly collapsed in the hallway outside their flat. Both his jobs firing him when Jason went to explain his brother was still feeling sickly after two days and Jason knew his brother would worry over worry and keeping him cared for. 

So Jason snuck out at night when he knew his brother would truly be asleep. He stole tires and sold them for as much money as possible and tucked the money away in their three saving pots. He stole a few wallets, only from those that seemed rich enough to not cry over missing money and he made sure to never take the wallets home either. He knew Dick wouldn't have approved but he did what was needed for them both. He carried on even after his brother was well and gained a new job elsewhere, becoming a waiter in a more shady smoking room for the more illegal working members of Gotham.  

But now they were fourteen and twelve.

Everything was going as smoothly as always until it wasn't and both knew how often the bad came to replace the good. How easily happiness was to be stolen away and Jason couldn't forgive himself for being the one to bring such a downfall. Or what had felt like his biggest regret at the time but maybe what happened that night was for the best in the end. Even if he'd rather be choked to death then ever admit it out loud.

He meet's the batman.

Now, if Dick was around at the time, Jason would put his best frighten little boy face on and let a few tears shimmer in his eyes while clinging to the older boy. Promising he didn't do any harm and happily watch as Dick let lose on Batman himself for upsetting him. Because Jason knew if anyone would openly face the Batman with overpowering mother-hen protectiveness it'd be Dick. 

While on the other hand, Dick had always felt guilty for never telling Jason the truth. He was trying to protect him but he was also scared of the younger boy turning to hate him once he found out the truth. 

Dick didn't see himself as a snitch, he knew how everyone hates a rat in Crime Alley and wasn't dumb enough to paint a target on his back. But he felt like a friend who whispered his help through the breeze of a wind.

He saved lives in a way and he was secretly helping the GCPD with cases and finding needed evidence or descriptions of suspects that weren't seen. It started in the first week of living with the Mister. He slipped on his pure black preforming outfit and snuck out in hopes to escape but while he jumped from roof to roof .. he saw the crime filled city for how it truly was. She was a beauty, an ugly beauty that would leave it's prey intoxicated with a kiss as she drives a knife in your gut. 

So many needed help but none of them having an guardian angel anymore. 

So he became one. He kept with his mother's nickname, Robin, for when he left notes on the bat signal for whoever was on duty to keep an eye on it. He'd sneak round on the roofs and try his best to step in if someone was being mugged, attacked or even rape. He was just nine and he wasn't much of a fighter at the time but he used his acrobatic skills to help as best as they could. 

He'd learn how to fight by watching the Mister "punish" someone that was mostly beating them from an inch of their lives. He'd watch them fight like dogs and more and kept an eye on each movement they made. He practiced in secret, used it against those he who were doing wrong and giving enough time for their prey to make a run for it. 

He hid own his bruises or cuts in a more painful way. He knew Mister would go crazy if he saw him marked at all and allowed himself to be held hostage a few times to make it seem like that person had given him such bruises instead of the true attacker. He felt bad for sending the mister's wrath on an innocent person but when you're doing dealing in the underworld you had to be ready to be burned by your own business. 

He grew up stronger, kept leaving notes of where evidence would have been hidden or left after a crime he'd spotted. He'd slowly leave evidence towards the Mister downfall by the bat signal as well. Nothing big or what would seem important at first but as more and more of the "lost" bits of paperwork showed up in Gordon hands, they'd paint a bigger picture of evidence that could bring him down. 

Little bits of careless evidence was Robin's own way to save himself in the future but he knew it'd take time. He couldn't give out every drug seller location or shipments in fear of the Mister figuring out that a spy had moved so close to his inner circle. So, he had to play the long game and be careful over what hints towards what deals or shipments he gave out. He focused on the other scum that the Mister held a friendship with and helped to take down a few of them with the police. 

And he's been helping to do that all this time. Sneaking out for an hour or two and passing on his hints he's noted down on some paper. Tried stopping a crime and filling in a report over what he witnessed to help take the criminal down. 

He wasn't a hero but he was trying to make the city just a bit safer, trying to bring some forgotten light to the pits of darkness. 

And of course, he was careful of Batman. He knew better then to get mixed up with the bat and even become noticeable at all.

No one knew who he was and only Commissioner Gordon  ever replied to his left behind notes. Thanking the "Robin" and sometimes he'd leave little gifts for him as well. At first it was baked cupcakes or cookies or other foods. Then it'd be a toy or some clothing after daring to ask for clothes size. Robin always gave Jason and his own size together. He was going to make sure Jason was treated good even if Robin deep down felt bad for being paid for just trying to good. 

Dick knew he was too young to be a hero and he knew he was too tainted to be a true beacon of light like he had once hoped to be. 

Now, he just wanted his beautiful but deadly city to be liveable for both Jason and himself. 

Dick knew, deep down if he told all this to Jason. Told the full story then maybe Jason would understand and still stick with him. But the fear of knowing how street smart and his instincts to survive on the streets he was.. finding out he lived with a some kind of rat might make him run without thinking. 

So, Dick stayed quiet because he couldn't risk losing anyone else in his life and maybe that's why he looked the other way over the young boy's criminal actions behind his back. If he was busy with the tires then he'd be too distracted to see the eyes watching over their city. 

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