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 Side Note: Sorry for the much slower updates of this book compared to when I first started it. But I've been getting busy and I've lost my notes for this book. Well, this section of the book. I've got notes and ideas still for further into the book but this section is lost. So, it's taking me a little while longer to write new chapters. Just a heads up, updates might carry on being slow.


The team hovered in the main room of the cave. All staring towards the Zeta tubes at first before walking towards the control panel to look through the security cameras set around the cave. Everyone felt nervous and even a little scared. 

Batman's sid-No. Batman made it clear it was his partner, not a sidekick that would be joining their team today. Robin, a new vigilante that appeared in Gotham without much warning and had been working with Batman since.  

The brooding moon and the blinding sun. 

Night and Day. 

Everyone had made gossip over the new duo, over how different they were and how they somehow formed a much greater team than other heroes and sidekicks seen so far. 

The team was a little jealous and bitter of the new guy already. 

Superboy still haven't gotten overly close with Superman, he was finally getting help with controlling his powers but the two weren't brother's just yet. They were awkward step-siblings who didn't really want to be in the same family but couldn't just walk out either. 

Kidflash was being more childish than anything else. He loved working beside his uncle and the team. But he's been one of the oldest sidekicks around and people still couldn't get his hero name right most of the time. Yet, a vigilante who was only in the skies for a couple of months roughly already had his own fanbase. 

Artemis just didn't like people, capes or otherwise. She was still busy trying to prove she wasn't her parents. Wanting to be something more than a criminal her father tried forcing her to be. She wanted to be proud of herself. And she didn't like the idea of another member from Gotham on her team. The new guy seemed too innocent in her eyes. 

M'gann could feel how unhappy the rest of the team was and felt her own mood drop with it. She was happy with her team, her new family. They were doing well on their own and sure, they knew other sidekicks already but they weren't fully on the team. They were just fellow sidekicks who sometimes joined up with their team before returning to their mentors again. She didn't want someone new joining them and risk ruining the good they all had right now. 

Kaldur was willing to give the new member a chance just like he's given everyone else a chance. He respected Batman and knew the new member must be a decent hero if he had Batman speaking highly over him. Or as highly as Batman spoke over anyone. But Kaldur was worried, the team didn't seem ready to change their bond or change their fighting styles to fit in a new member. If this member was disturbing the air around them before he even arrived than he feared how clumsy they'd all become during a mission.

Red Arrow wasn't even apart of the team but once Kidflash let slip that the team was expecting Batman's partner to appear, he had to come take a look himself. He was happy to hang by the Zeta tubes for now, keeping some distance and ready to just leave when he got a good enough look at the member. 

"What are the main rules you need to follow?" Batman asked as they walked along the many halls within the mountain. Batman purposely using the hallways that didn't lead through or past any of the main rooms within the cave. He knew at least two of sidekicks lived here full time and he wasn't sure what state the rooms might be in. Teens weren't known for being tidy and Red Tornado was in charge of watching over them but didn't seem like the type to give out chores either. 

"1, Don't try and hug the criminal better. 2, Don't try to become friends with the criminals. 3, Don't laugh at their jokes even if they are funny. 4, Don't befriend my own kidnappers. 5, Don't hug people I've just met either" Robin listed them all, tapping his fingertip to each finger he raised as he spoke them out loud to show he remembered them all. 

"And why don't you hug the heroes?" Batman asked as he glanced down towards the teen. 

"Because we don't know where they've been. And they might also try to kill me out of reflex" Robin easily anwsered with a quick nod, remembering that point well enough. 

"Good" Batman breathed out with a firm nod.

"Do you think they'll like me?" Robin quietly asked, fiddling with the ends of his cape as he followed his partner along and knowing he'd be meeting the team in less than a few minutes. 

"Who?" Batman asked as he looked over his shoulder towards him, noting the younger boy had slowed down. 

"The team. I know they might not trust me at first since I'm new and a stranger to their mini family they've formed. But I hope they don't hate me straight away. I told Agent J that he's got to try making new friends at school and if he tried his best then I'll try just as hard at making some hero friends. But what if they don't like me?" Robin rambled back with a burst of nerves and fearing that he wouldn't be liked at all. Not even given a chance to become friends with them because they'd see him an outcast. 

"Robin" Batman sighed, coming to a full stop to look the brightly coloured vigilante who was normally the charming, happy and hopeful one between them. 

"Yeah, focus on the mission at hand. Emotions have no place on the field" Robin grumbled back as he's heard the speech plenty of times already and carried on walking. 

"Robin, you don't need to like someone to work with them. I didn't get along with the Justice League at first, still don't on most days. But it's about moving past your own feelings and focusing on the mission instead. In the mission, it's not your life at the risk. It's everybody's" Batman spoke up, his voice gruff as he passed on what he needed to be said. 

"Thanks?" Robin muttered back with an puzzled look, not sure if that was meant to be given as advise or Batman's best try at giving him a prep talk for his nerves. He didn't feel much better but Batman seemed to think he said enough apparently. 

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