Chapter 10

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  (Hi! I won't be able to update as much due to school. Oh and like and comment! This story has 0 likes :(  )
     "What?" Maxon said and pulled back, his face a mask of shocked and hurt. "Gods please tell me you and Julian didn't...I can't even...,"

      "What??? No! Of course not. Julian and I never done that," America said with horror as she thought about it.

     "Okay...then who is it?" Maxon said.

      America sighed, pulling her knees to her chest. "Sometimes you can be really stupid, you know. I'm two months pregnant, Maxon."

     "Two months? Who were-omygods. That night...when I proposed. We hadn't used...omygods," Maxon said, pulling back in shock and running his hands through his hair. "Am I-am I the father?"

    America didn't respond and that alone was an answer enough.

    Maxons face twisted from shocked to happy to angry. "Were you ever going to tell me?!"

     "I was! But then you chose Kriss that morning and I can't have my children watching their father be married to another woman! What would you have done! I mean if you found out you would have blamed Aspen for being the father!" America started to get angry as well.

    "I still had the right to know, America! Theyre my...wait children?" Maxon paused his anger. "Meaning more than one?"

     "Twins," America paused her anger as well to caringly caress her stomach. Then she started to cry due to hormones and him yelling at her.

     Maxon sighed, calming himself down and hugging her. "I'm sorry. You're right. It wasn't the best to tell me that day and gods America we're going to be parents. Parents! To twins! When I thought you couldn't have been more perfect you just keep shining. I'm sorry, my dear."

    America pinched his side. "I'm still not your dear," she murmured, burying her face in his chest.

    Maxon smiled and just like that they stopped arguing. He gently rubbed her shoulders. "We're going to be parents...I'm going to be a father," Maxon kept repeating. "Do you know the genders yet?"

     "No. I was going to check can...come if you want?" America says.

     "If I want?? I'd love to," Maxon says, giving her a peck on the lips.

     The ride stopped at the very top.

     "Oh wow. Look it's the palace. I can see everything from up here. It's so beautiful," America gaped as she pulled away from Maxon.

       "It is so beautiful," Maxon smiled admiring her.

      America didn't notice, she just leaned against him and soaked in the night.

     Julian arrived home and immediately ran to his office to fix the problem. As he was running he smacked right into Leela who had chosen to stay that night.

     "Oh my gods. I'm so sorry, love," Julian gasped, helping her off the floor. "Are you alright?"

     "It's alright. I'm fine. Nothing broken," Leela whispered. She was a quiet one. She didn't interact much with the other selected.

      "Are you sure?" Julian asked.

      "I'm sure," Leela said.

      "Alright well I best be off wait why aren't you with the other girls?" Julian frowned.

     Leela shrugged, rubbing her shoulders.

     Julian frowned, getting concerned. "What's wrong? Are they not treating you well?" Julian asked, forgetting about his mission.

    "No! Theyre great! It's just...I don't know I don't really fit in with them. Everyone knows each other from the other Selection and well...that kinda makes me an outcast," Leela muttered, sitting down on a bench.

      "Oh, Leela. Im so sorry you feel that way. Im sure that they don't mean to make you feel like an outcast," Julian says, rubbing her shoulders.

     "Why did you even chose me?" Leela asked. "Why not just stay with the original Selecteds?"

      "Because I read you and your sisters story. I related about you guys not growing up with parents and I guess it just kinds caught my attention among other things," Julian said, losing himself in her eyes. She had very unique and beautiful violet eyes.

      "Yeah...," Leela sighed then looked up then blushed. "Um aren't you suppose to be somewhere?"

      "Hmm? Oh! Yeah. Snap. I...yeah I've got to go. I do advise you to talk to the girls about how you feel Leela. Goodnight," Julian said, lifting her hand and kissing it before walking away.

     He got halfway through before he paused and walked back. "Would you like to go on a breakfast date with me tommorow?" He asked.

     He knew America didn't truly loved him. He knew that she still loved Maxon and would never truly loved him. For that reason in which he realized when he was heading home, he decided to let her leave his selection. That night was fun and loving but everytime they kissed she felt distant as if she was not into it. Like she was thinking of someone else in his place than him. Like Maxon. He couldn't marry someone who was in love with someone else. So during the ride home, he decided to start spending equal time with the rest of the girls.
      Leela was sweet when they first met. She was the only one to ask how he was and his interests. She was a good person to start with.

     "Um...yeah...sure I suppose," Leela smiled, looking at her lap.

       "Great! I'll pick you up at 5," Julian smiled before leaving.

        Back to Maxerica...

       The ride had started again and everyone was getting off.

      "Well...we're almost up. America I will tell Kriss tonight and hopefully tommorow we could be together to see the twins. Actually, yes we will be together tommorow to see the twins. I'll fix everything," Maxon said, still hugging her.

      "Okay," America whispered, pulling back. "I love you, Maxon."

      "And I love you, my dear," Maxon smiled.

     "Still not your dear," America glared playfully before kissing him.

     Maxon kissed back and it was perfect.

     Everything was perfect.

     Till something tragic happened...    

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