Chapter Thirty-One: Plot Control

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"Any changes to the plan? What did Yin Shang Piao say?" I whispered as I looked behind just in case. "No idea" Man Tian stood close beside me so that she could speak softer "That guy never tells me anything, he's only been bossing me around and insulting me left and right, that bastard!" Man Tian and I met up before leaving as everyone packed up. "Hmm, if we see the demon sect marching on the way I don't think there will be any changes" I predicted.

"Then, what should we do? We know Yin Shang Piao is going to break the barrier tonight. Do we stop him?" Man Tian asked. "No, we can't" I answered "That'll mean no one will know about Yin Shang Piao's betrayal, effecting the plot. Plus, if things go as we know, you and Shou Feng will have to go spy on the demon sect. I can't take care of both Yin Shang Piao and the demon sect alone" "Then" Man Tian began knowingly, and I finished it "It can't be helped. We'll stay quiet tonight. If everything goes as we thought, we'll take action tomorrow" Man Tian nodded in agreement.

Everything went on according to the plot as predicted so far. We saw the demon sect marching on our way and Shiyi ordered Shou Feng and Man Tian to go spy on them. When the instruction was given as predicted, Man Tian made eye contact with me in question. I nodded at her in agreement, the original plot was proceeding just as we thought.

Shiyi made a barrier around the camp as usual and we also took turns to keep watch at night, especially since we almost ran into the demon sect this afternoon. I had mine for the last shift. Yin Shang Piao took the first watch, that's when the trouble starts but we know that already right? So, when everyone went to sleep, I stayed up in the tent. Keeping watch since there's going to be an attack soon.

The moment everyone had gone to their tents, lights out and the night had quiet down, Yin Shang Piao immediately went to work. I watched Yin Shang Piao break the barrier and notify the demon sect into the camp. Soon enough, the camp was filled with black smoke and the demon sect arrived. Yin Shang Piao was nowhere to be seen along with the smoke.

On guard, I hid beside the entrance of the tent, the moment one of the ugly heads came in, I hit him backwards in the stomach with the hilt of my sword. The force sent the guy flying out, and because of the sounds outside, Qian Gu woke up with a start. "Sister, what happened?" I tossed over her sword "Get up, we're getting ambushed" and left the tent to help everyone. The demon sect had everyone busy.

They weren't that strong; they were just so many compared to us. Honestly, they were annoying since they'll disappear into smoke just after a few moves. Clearly, they were here to distract us, announce their presence and nothing else. "Ariel, are you okay?" Man Tian arrived and had my back.

"Yeah, you guys got back just in time" I replied as I took care of another ugly one "What happened?" "Let's talk later, let's take care of these guys first" Man Tian cut off the conversation. "Fine" I agreed as we went back to fighting. Suddenly they all disappeared into smoke. The heck?!

"Teacher!" At Shou Feng's voice we all ran over to him and an injured Shiyi. Did they come just to injure Shiyi? Those pests! "Senior brother, are you okay?"

"Teacher!" Everyone shouted their concerns as we all gathered around Shiyi and Shou Feng. Quick on her feet, Qian Gu immediately checked Shiyi's injury and took his pulse before she decided "For now, let's move him to his tent" We all quickly moved to follow her decision.

Back at the tent, Man Tian let Shiyi lean on her as Qian Gu treated him. Most of the disciples have gone back to bed, only me, Shou Feng, and Qing Shui stayed. "Good thing Ariel was awake, and Shou Feng and Man Tian rushed back in time. Or else I, Qing Shui, would have died on this nameless riverbank" Qing Shui said in relief.

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