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Bella felt a sting in her stomach, she was hit. Let's rewind a bit, while they where on there date someone came in and started shooting, everyone started to run, Chris grabbed Bella's hand and started running, also trying to shield her. Bella looked down at her stomach and hands, covered with blood, Chris looked at her in shock, sadness filling his eyes as the only person he loved has been shot. Bella fell to the ground, coughing up blood, Chris quickly fell to his knees and put her body on his lap "Bella stay with me help is on the way, please Bella I love you" he placed his hands on her pale cheeks "BELLA" she slowly started to see her world go black "Bella please keep your eyes open you'll be okay" the boy was now in tears, scared to lose his sweet girl. She closed her eyes, loosing cautiousness, "SOMEONE HELP!" The shooter has now ran, an officer  ran over, calling for help as the boy kept pushing the police hands away from her body "Hey listen to me! I know you love her but we need to apply pressure to the spot so she doesn't loose blood" "please!! Hurry!" Another police came from behind him picking him up away from the girls limp body. "Let go of me!!". 
      Sirens where the only thing that Chris heard in his ears as they sped by, his hands in his hair, crying. The police man came and sat next to him "I'm sorry you had to witness this" "please don't let me loose Bella I can't lose her" "where doing the best we can, what's your name?" "Christopher" "middle" "Owen" "and last?" "Sturniolo my brothers are on there way and where triplets" "okay, how old are you?" "19" "alright what's her full name and age" "her name is Isabella lee Finn, she's 19 too" next thing he saw was his brothers run up to him "is she okay!?" Nick yelled the officer stood up "she's still breathing, she's at the hospital now in surgery" Matt grabbed Chris and pulled him into a hug,Chris broke down "it should have been me! She's such a good person she didn't deserve this! I don't want to loose her Matt I don't want to I'm not ready to lose her yet please" Matt held his brother tight, Matt started to cry, nick joined the hug. These triplets loved Bella. Matt drove to the hospital, Nick had to call alahna,and her brother. Alahna showed up before her brother. Alahna in tears, she hugged Chris who was shaking violently. Next thing they all saw was Oliver (her older brother) run in the hospital, "WHERES MY SISTER!? IS SHE OKAY??" "Sir please go sit do-" "NO THATS MY BABY SISTER WHERE IS SHE!?" The officer grabbed him, "HEY!? Do you think your sister wants to wake up to see you arrested!?" "Let me go!! My sister.. my baby sister please man just let me go" "I'm sorry, she'll be okay kid trust me" "I don't want to loose my sister" "you won't, the doctors are doing the best that they can" Oliver walked over to where everyone else was sitting, they could see Oliver was heart broken, filled with rage.
They sat there for hours, until a doctor finally came out. "We got good news" Chris quickly stood up "Is she alive!?" "Yes, but she's gonna be passed out for a few days" "can we see her?" Oliver asked, standing up with everyone else "yes" Chris started to run to her room, he stopped, as he saw her pale body. "Bella.." he whispered he grabbed her hand, gently rubbing it, "I wish I kissed you longer.. I'm sorry this happened, I should've protected you" He felt a tear slide down his face again, Oliver walked in, sitting next to Chris "you made her happy man, you did your best to protect her, and thanks to you my baby sister will be okay" he patted his back "I wish it was me not her..".

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