295 19 3

"He/She makes me think, makes me think..."


"That was an awesome movie." Ashton muttered, his gaze still on the screen.

"I can't agree more." I agreed, not moving as the position we were in was very comfortable and likeable.

Somewhere during the movie, I had entwined our hands, resting them on Ashton's sides as if we were both hugging him. My head had remained on his, my nose occasionally nuzzling into his hair, taking in the nice vanilla scent that had slowly become familiar throughout the movie. And our legs were still the same way, not tangled together, but simply laying besides each other.

"So, you wanna watch-" Ashton cut himself off as he yawned, sheepishly trying to cover it up by looking the other way and continuing his sentence later on, "another movie?"

"You just yawned." I pointed out the obvious, raising an eyebrow at him as he had sat up a bit, our hands still entwined but no longer resting on his sides.

"I'm fine." He shrugged, turning his upper body to look me in the eyes as if to prove his words were the right ones. But I could see just how tired he actually was, his eyes not as bright as earlier anymore.

"You're tired." I once again stated the obvious, this time continuing before he could object, "I should take you home."

"Nooo." He whined, pouting at me and making me wonder if he was really older than me, as he had told me once. "I'm comfortable here."

His slightly pink cheeks made me chuckle softly, pulling him closer again and pressing my nose in his hair again. "Then you don't go home."

"W-what are you saying?" If I wasn't holding him in a tight grip, I swear he would've sat back a little to look up at me with wide eyes, which would be illuminated by the vague light of the TV.

"You could always stay over." I muttered, pulling back and releasing him, biting my lower lip as I waited for a response.

He slowly sat up, releasing my hands and turning his upper body around again to look me in the eyes. "Are you sure?"

"I guess. I mean, I could always take you home. But we could also stay in this comfortable position on the couch, falling asleep together and all."

"Michael Clifford, you are such a softie."

"Hey." Now it was my time to whine, adding a pout after. Ashton simply smiled, his dimples appearing. "Never said I didn't like it."

I stuck out my tongue teasingly, before deciding to try out whether or not he was ticklish, by leaning forward and poking his sides with my fingers. He squealed and immediately tried to smack my hands away, but I was more successful, even pushing him down on the couch with me hovering over him as I continued to tickle him.

"M-mich-ael! S-t-op!" He said in between his laughing, not able to form full words. "P-plea-se!"

I suddenly stopped, sitting up slightly, but keeping him trapped between my body and the couch. "Please will do."

"Can you- can you get off me?" He said, slightly out of breath as his eyes were wide. Damn did he look good like this.

I simply stayed quiet as I removed myself from him, standing next to the couch as I watched him sit up, trying to even out his breathing. "Thanks."

He looked up at me, shooting me another big smile, before yawning again. "God, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. You wanna go and sleep?" I held out my hand to him, him taking it and letting me pull him up from the couch, stumbling slightly. I enveloped him in my embrace, making sure we were both steady before releasing him slightly.

"S-sorry." He mumbled, looking up at me and blinking a few times as his cheeks tinted slightly pink. I simply chuckled and looked him in the eyes, feeling a wave of confidence come by once again.

I moved one hand up to his face to cup his cheek, my thumb caressing his cheekbone as my eyes stayed locked with his, asking for permission in silence. I didn't have to do anything, because suddenly Ashton leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, his hands coming up to my neck to pull me down slightly.

My eyes fluttered shut as I let out a small sigh at the feeling, our lips moving together slowly. His hands moved up to my hair, tangling themselves in it as my hand, that wasn't cupping his cheek, pulled him closer by the waist, keeping a tight grip.

It felt so good, to kiss him and knowing he wanted it too, because hell, he finished what I started. And even though, when watching, it may seem like nothing special. But to me it felt like this was everything.

His lips moving with mine gave me more butterflies than only seeing him had ever done. My head didn't have any thoughts, it simply accepted the feeling of bliss that was causes by this. It was simply amazing.

"Wow." We both muttered as we had pulled away slowly, still close and holding onto each other. Our foreheads rested together as our eyes were still locked, my voice not much more than a whisper, "You are absolutely amazing."

His cheeks heated up a bit again as his bottom lip got caught between his teeth, a small smile appearing anyway. "So are you."

I grinned, quickly pecking his lips and so taking him by surprise. I lowered my hand from his cheek and grabbed one of his, tangling our fingers. "Maybe we should get some sleep now."

"Yeah." He sheepishly agreed, giving me a tired smile, slowly pulling back and removing his other hand from my hair and his forehead from mine, leaving our hands entwined. "You can lead the way."

I nodded, my free hand quickly reaching for the remote the turn off the TV, before leading Ashton up the stairs and to my room. Luckily I had cleaned my room a bit this morning, so it wasn't all too bad. For me, I guess.

"Hm, I like your room." Ashton complimented once we entered, the light I turned on revealing my room. Posters of various bands were scattered on the walls, my floor clear of any dirty clothes and my bed neatly made.

"Thanks. So, what do you usually sleep in?" I let go of his hand to go to my dresser, opening it and pulling out a pair of sweatpants for myself already. No way I was going to sleep in my underwear when Ashton was sleeping over.

"Sweatpants. B-but if you have a spare shirt, that would be nice." I gave him a reassuring smile before taking out another pair of sweatpants and a shirt. "You can change in my bathroom, then I'll change in here and go downstairs for a bit to put away the snacks, yeah?"

Ashton simply nodded and went into the bathroom, so I changed quickly and then moved downstairs, putting away the snacks we had left on the coffee table as well as our glasses. I then went upstairs again, knocking on the door of my bedroom to make sure I could enter.

Once I entered, I saw Ashton sitting on the edge of my bed, his phone in his hands.

"Sorry, had to call my mom to tell her I was staying here."

"It's okay. I wanted to suggest that anyway. So, you can take my bed and I'll-"

"Can you join me?" He bit his bottom lip as his eyes looked at me with what seemed to be hope. I wanted to say something like 'we shouldn't', but I wanted to cuddle with him so badly, that I simply agreed and motioned for him to lie down. He did so and I turned off the light, lying down in my bed as well.

The darkness gave me time to think, something I did a lot when it came to Ashton. He just made me think. He made me think how I could possibly have him in my life. Someone as beautiful and perfect as him.

"Goodnight, Michael." He whispered, the way he said my name making me all smiley and giddy.

"Goodnight, Ashton." I whispered back, blindly looking for his body with my hands, pulling him closer once I found him. My nose pressed to his vanilla scented hair again as my arms were around him in a tight grip, him entwining our hands again. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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