Chapter 9: IDK What to Name this Chapter, Besides the Stupidity of Harmony

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The title of this chapter is truthfully how I felt. I didn't update just because I didn't have a name for this chapter :/ So I just stuck with this. Don't worry, it's subject to change.

Chapter 9: IDK What to Name this Chapter, Besides the Stupidity of Harmony

If I was going to get married in Germany to a man that I disliked, then what better way to deal with that unnecessary stress than to be with Stacy during my free time.

It was later that day when I decided to call Ace. I was happy to hear that he answered on the second ring.

"Hey, babe," he answered, his voice hinted a bit of forlorn.

"Hi, Ace... are you okay? You sound... sad," I asked, genuinely concerned about his well-being.

"I'm fine. Are you alright... being in that house with those three assholes," he questioned, changing the subject, but I didn't mind.

"Physically, I'm okay. Mentally, I'm breaking down," I described, pulling my loose curls out of my face.

"What happened," he further interrogated.

"Well, you know I'm getting married soon, right," I inquired and he scoffed in response. "My parents suggested that Rein and I get married in Germany. But... I don't want to leave without you, Ace. So, I'm asking, will you go with us," I asked, praying to God that he would come with us. I needed him to be there for me. I needed him to-

"I can't."

My thoughts were interrupted. My mind was centered around those two words. I and can't. Stacy couldn't have declined, not when I needed him to be there for me. Not when I needed him the most!

"What," I had to ask. I had to have heard wrong.

"Harmony, I can't. I have too much to deal with here. And... your parents, they hate me. They'll probably kick me-"

"So you're leaving me to deal with all of this by myself," I cried in frustration.

"Babe, I'm sorry, but I can't go. I'm really sorry," he continued to apologize, but that wouldn't do anything to ease my anger.

"You're a dick! A selfish dick! It's always been about Stacy! Always Every time you call me because you need me, I come to you! I am a good friend to you! But the one time I need you by my side, you bail out on me," I shouted into the phone. If I could at this very moment, I would have punch him in his damn jaw!

"Harmony, I'm not going to stress myself over this. I'll talk to you once you come back from your forced wedding," he said, almost as angrily as I did.

"Fuck you," I bellowed before hanging up and forcefully throwing my phone at my bedroom wall.

How could he do this to me? How could he leave me... abandon me when I need him to keep me sane.

Stacy never loved me. Not nearly as much as I loved him. It was like he was setting out to hurt me and leave me. I felt a sense of emptiness, however, it couldn't surpass the amount of hatred I felt for him at this moment.

"Harmony," Rein whispered from the slightly-open door.

"Leave me alone," I hissed, holding my head in my hands.

"No. If I do, your parents will come up and see why you're upset. Now talk to me," he continued whispering. I felt his weight on the foot of my bed. "Did Stacy say something to you," he asked, cautiously.

I looked up from my hands to see Rein looking different. His beard was gone and his hair was cut short, along the sides. He looked younger, not the actual 36 years that he is.

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