Chapter 15

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James tried to go back to sleep, as it was just 4am and he's supposed to wake up by 7am for work. However, the thought of seeing Net at work sent a shiver down James' spine, and he's supposed to be seeing Net for a while so he doesn't know what to do.

What am I supposed to do with this information. James thought. I obviously can't tell him, he'll think I'm crazy. But what am I supposed to do. Do I act upon it? No, that's a little much cause how would I go about that? Besides I've only known him for a day. But how am I supposed to see him everyday for the next couple of months? I'll  probably have heart palpitations at the sight of him. *sigh* You know what, I'll just try my best to push it down, as difficult as it might be, because what else am I supposed to do anyways.

After going through such rabbit hole, James attempted to get a bit more sleep before work. However, he could only get 30 mins of sleep out of the three hours he had left so he wasn't really in a good mood that morning.

Those who were close to him at work (including Samantha) could clearly see that his mood wasn't very cheerful today so they let him be.

When Net came around however, James' bad mood turned to instant regret as his heart began to beat out of his chest. Unfortunately for James, Net could see the discomfort on his face, so Net pulled him aside.

"Hey are you okay." Net began to ask, and though James' face said something else, he just answered with "Yeah, I'm fine.". Net could see that James isn't fine, despite his claims, so Net attempted to comfort him.

"Hey, if you're worried about the funding, just so you know it's already a done deal." "Really? When?" James asked, quite shocked at the news. "Yesterday." Net answered. "I really enjoyed the tour you gave me, and I was quite fascinated at your little speech of what this hospital really does for people that I couldn't help but be apart of it.".

"Really?" Asked James. "And I've never been good at public speaking." Both Net and James gave a slight chuckle to that statement. "See. You don't have to worry so much. Just relax, you're fine." Net finally said before leaving James alone.

Despite that not being James' worry in the first place, he did calm down. He didn't know what it was about that, that made him calm down so much.

Whether it was the reassuring speech, or the fact that Net cared about how he was doing, it doesn't matter, because now it seems like his elevated heart rate had subsided, and now he could go about his day as usual.

Over the next couple weeks, Net and James became close. It's even gotten to the point where Net would show up at the hospital on days where he doesn't as he's apparently 'fascinated' at James line of work. Net would sometimes offer to drive to James to work, but James has always declined such offer.

One morning, James was enjoying a cup of coffee when Samantha comes up to him with one hell of an unforeseen question.

"Hey, are you and Net dating?" Samantha asked, which caused James to almost choke on his coffee. "What type of question is that?" James said, taken aback by Samantha's question.

"Well you cannot tell me that there isn't something going on between the two of you. Net gives you so much special attention, and you seem to reciprocate it." Samantha said, attempting to justify her reasoning. "No we don't." James said sheepishly.

James has to admit though, he does feel like there's something going on between them. However he doesn't know how to approach the situation. Besides, he doesn't want what he has with Net to fall apart if Net doesn't feel the same way.

"Let's just head to work." James said, avoiding the question completely. "You still haven't answered my question." Samantha said. "Cause I'm not in the mood to do so." James answered.

Though Samantha's question was quiet unexpected, it won't be the only abrupt question that he's asked today. Later that afternoon, Net came and asked James that unexpected question.

"Hey. So there's this new nightclub that opened up nearby and I was wondering if you'd go with me?". James looked at Net like he had three heads now. "A club? Today? But why?" James asked. "Because, I've never been to one in a long while. And I'd rather not go alone." Net answered. Despite how absurd this idea sounds, James reluctantly agreed, which had Net smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes, I promise you it'll be a fun night, you will not regret this." Net finally said before walking away. Now James was lowkey panicking.

How the hell am I supposed to act at a club. I don't even know what to wear! James thought.

Later that evening, Samantha helped James pick out what to wear, since he was making a mess of his room just to find an outfit.

"I look like an f-boy." James said while looking at himself in the mirror, he was wearing a red collared shirt of satin material and ripped black jeans along with a chain-like choker and a few silver rings.

"What are you talking about, you look great. Net will be drooling all over you." Samantha said, teasing James. "We're just friends." James said, giving much emphasis on the statement. "Ok fine, I'll leave you alone. *looks out the window* It looks like your ride's here.".

With that, James said goodbye to Samantha, left the house, and got into Net's car.

"You look great." Net said, lowkey looking nervous himself. James gave a slight smile. "Thanks, so do you." James said. Net was wearing a blue long sleeve "Thanks." Net said, concluding their little conversation.

As they arrived at the club, James did not expect it to be this loud, he almost had to cover his ears

"Do you drink?" Net asked as they arrived at the bar section. "Once in a blue moon. I've got children to take care of the next day."  answered James. "If given the opportunity to drink," asked Net, while ordering a shot. "Would you take it?".

And almost without any hesitation, James took the shot, but immediately regretted it due to the taste. Which caused Net to have a slight chuckle.

Too many shots later, Net and James were quite tipsy, more James than Net as Net had a high alcohol tolerance. They were now just sitting on some chairs while leaning a bit on the bar counter.

"Holy shit, I never thought I could get this drunk." said James, which caused Net to laugh. "Hey, would you to dance?" James asked. "Nooooo, I'm not much of a dancer." Net answered. "C'mon, it'll be fun." And with that, James dragged Net unto the dance floor. "I don't know how to dance." Net said. "Well then just follow my lead." James said as he began to dance.

Who would think that I'd ever see this side of you. Net thought to himself as he glanced over at James dancing.

At some point, the gap between the two guys started to close and before they knew it, their foreheads were touching. James had his hands on Net's shoulders, and Net's hands were at James' waist.

"Could I ask you for a favor?" Asked James.

"Sure anything." said Net.

"Could you kiss me?"

"Right now?"

"Yes right now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."


"Are you going to kiss me or not?" Now James was looking at Net in frustration. "Just making sure." Net said with a grin on his face.

And so Net fully wrapped his arms around James' waist, James did the same around Net's neck. Then closed the gap completely with a kiss.

A long yet passionate kiss.

Author's Note: This took quite a bit of time to complete (as I took out most of my day to do so) since every time I tried to write throughout this chapter, it made me feel a little giddy inside so I'd have to take a break every now and again. Anyways  that's the update for today guys. See you guys in the next one.

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