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I can't even call li..should I search online..?yes that will be better...

It's been 10 minutes since I have been scrolling on internet searching for gift ideas ..and almost 90% suggests you should give something personalised..
But, I don't know what should I make for them..I...d..wait what about couple hoodies? aunty is quite into romantic stuffs, she'll love it...yeah that's final now..I'll go and bring materials tomorrow..right now I think I should just sleep..I don't have mood to go there..

It's 8 p.m right now, and I have been continuously designing the hoodie and right now I'm literally so exhausted that I really need a drink...No , I'm not a addicted drinker but yeah whenever things got pretty hectic I prefer drinks badly..So, I took a quick shower and got dressed up . Now I'm on my way to the club " sway" .. it's the club owned by Alex(li's Boyfriend) so I'm quite a regular there...Also, my boyfriend is also a regular there and coincidentally he turns out be a friend of Alex..So that's one more reason I'm going there to beat that f**king ass of his...

I reached the club and as usual guards let me in without asking for identity card and all...It feels so freakinn good to get VIP treatment for free..No, don't get it wrong..Alex treat me as his sister..He is an only child and so he asked me if he can treat me as his sister..To be honest, when Alex called me his sister, I thought my brother is with me..and Alex is the reason I don't miss my brother alot..No, I mean I miss him of course but it's just I don't feel like he is not with me here.I told the waiter to bring the same drink to the my VIP ROOM..and went straight to the VIP room, my boyfriend is in..I went and saw him sitting on the couch and enjoying his freakinn drink..

"Yaa kim f*cking taehyung" I yelled gaining everyone's attention including him

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"Yaa kim f*cking taehyung" I yelled gaining everyone's attention including him..He gulped when he saw me and murmured something, I couldn't make out because of loud music...I went to him and held his hand "Don' .think." I said each word with stress and start pulling him out of the room, I can sense everyone's eyes was on us..The reason being no one actually know about us and I don't really meet him in club...

I was having so much until she came.."Yaa kim f*cking Taehyung" she yelled gaining everyone's attention..I gulped by seeing the clearly visible anger on her face..."I'm freakinn dead now" I murmured making sure she doesn't hear...And then she came towards me,, held my hand and said "Don't. you." adding force to each and every damn word which do nothing good to me ..she pulled me into another VIP room which is hers...I know what she's going to ask so before she could ask or say anything, I said...

"Look babe I w.." I started but got interrupted by her " stop f*cking calling me that" she warned "she looks more angrier now" I murmured "sorry did you say something" she asked still angry "No bab..I mean I know I should have picked your call, but I was busy with my patients so I c.." I tried to reason but she interrupted me again.."Busy my ass, and leave that for now and tell me what was the meaning of that message..don't you know wh.." this time I interrupted her "it's because my mother wants to meet you..she said if you don't come at dinner she will come to your work place , because it's veen long since she met you.. I have no problem but I don't think you will be comfortable with you need to come tomorrow" she took a moment to speak

" fine I understand but tae you know the meaning of all this right and I" She said worridly and her anger was vanished completely..she is like that, she'll be angrier one moment and the next moment she'll be so calm that you will wonder if she even get angry ever..." I know but don't worry it's just a matter of some time..I'll try to do things right asap..don't worry" I said assuring her.."Also, I'm sorry for my behavior earlier, your friends might " she said Apologitically "So you do know you shouldn't behave like that" I said teasingly "I'm sorry it's just i f" she again starting apologizing " Hey, it's okay I know you must have freaked out reading my message. it's my fault I should have explained clearly.."I said and continued looking at the drinks she had ordered " are you feeling stressed today too? what happened?"

" oh! that I was just working my ass out for something so I desperately need a drink"she said "aren't your 1 week vacation going on at the company? then what are you working at?" I asked "It's for your parents dumbo..oh wait how did you know about vacation?I don't think I told you" she asked making me nervous.. " oh that you told me earlier..btw you don't need to bring anything for just need to come " I said trying to change the subject.."Are you stupid, how can I go empty handed and moreover when it's their anniversary ..anyways leave now I need to drink and then leave" she said

" Fine, let me know once you are done, I'll drop you" I said "Don't worry, I can go by myself.." she argued " I said I'll drop you means I'll drop you" I said forcefully..she sighed and said ok...
she like drinking alone, so I left from there...I know something is bothering her, she isn't okay..I'm a pyschologist, so I can sense she is going through something..But she never let's out..she pretends to be strong but I know she isn't..

After 1 hour
she came out and was leaving quitely.." I knew it, your f*cking independent ass won't let me know so I waited outside " I said making her a stop in her tracks..."I..I was about to call you"she said nervously.."yah yah I know, you would have called me when you reach home right?"I said.."I.." she started but I interrupted "let's go.."

"I'll pick you at 7 ready"
I said and she nodded..
to be continued
WRITTEN BY :- @Winterbear_wrts

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