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*Two and half years later*
"I do" words kept ringing in the whole hall as they took their vows. Heejin and Taehyung are getting married today, actually they are married now..God, I can't believe how time passes so fast..

It feels like I met them yesterday only. They are getting married in seoul itself. Eomma, appa, heejin's mother and even my parents, Rohan and his wife with my 1 year old nephew are here with me and jimin..

Heejin and taehyung are wearing dresses designed be me and Jimin. And that's not the most important part, the dress I designed for heejin has a logo of me, my name.6 months ago on my birthday Jimin gifted me the best gift he can ever. My own office in the company.He said now whatever I'll be designing will be having my own with company's name.I never thought I would love my name to be on the dresses I designed.

When I ask Jimin why did he do that?He said he wants everyone to know me by my name, he wants everyone to know exactly who I'm and not just as a designer in "P&K Fashion". He also told me that he's been always wanted to do this but he wanted me to experience everything first how these things work and all because otherwise I wouldn't be able to handle that and he was right. To be honest I still think I'm not that capable but jimin is with me and as long he is here, I'm not afraid of anything..

You are lucky if your man do everything so you'll be recognized for your own talent not by someone else name..and I have that person in my life, my jimin who never failed to show me what I deserve. and I still don't know what did I did to deserve him..

At first when I transfer to korea, I was hesitating what if the team won't like me? What if they thought I'm here with my connection and not because of my abilities?? But all those worry came to an end when I met the whole team. They were so humble and accepted with me whole heart..I requested jimin not to disclose our relationship until everyone know me and my capabilities..And he respected that but as soon as he saw everyone is comfortable he didn't even wait for a second and announced our relationship..And the reason being he didn't liked any man staring at me with different motives. My jealous baby. He looks so damn cute when he's jealous dammit...I didn't even realise I was so lost in my thoughts until jimin asked-

Jimin- What are you thinking that makes you smiling so hard love??


Jimin(narrowed his eyes) - Are you sure? You have been behaving weird since days, what's going on?

"Nothing really, I'm just happy about them. Look how happy they seem"

Jimin- Well, that's true...But you really okay love?

I nodded, jimin looked at me suspiciously but didn't pushed me further. Well, I know I haven't been giving him much time these past days but in sometime he'll know the reason.

The hall glowed with all the cheers and hooting as soon as Taehyung and heejin kissed..And I couldn't stop imagining what it would be like when Me and jimin will get married.

After all the family members congratulated them, me and jimin went to them..

"Congratulations Mrs Kim" I said to heejin and she blushed..

Taehyung and heejin has been working together since almost 2.5 years and her mother had shifted to paris too so that she can be close to her daughter.

Jimin and I congratulated them and then went to buffet area to ensure everything is properly done. After everyone came to dinnig area, I told jimin I'll be back and went in the hall again.

Because it's time to show my man what he deserves and how much I love him. It's time to make him mine and me to be his forever...

Taehyung- Jimin, I left my phone on the stage I guess..will you bring it?

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