The Tipping Of The Scales - Final Confrontation

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Jordan's POV

There was a steely silence. Nobody spoke, nobody moved and nobody even dared to breathe too loudly in fear of becoming the spark to the fire. Tucker's expression was completely blank, no traces of emotion visible to my searching eyes - as his gaze was focused entirely on his master, awaiting commands. My hand was clenched on the hilt of my sword, my knuckles white and my bones threatening to burst through my thin skin. Fear and dread were the two emotions that were dominating my system, goose bumps and butterflies dancing through my system as I waited for something to happen. I knew how the prophecy was going to end, I knew what my role was in these events and I knew that Fate would not let me escape it this time but I could bend the rules slightly. Caitlin pulled herself upright, eating multiple golden apples and watching as the wounds on her body began to close up – bringing colour back to her previously snow coloured skin. She staggered over to my side and gave me a weak smile, eating another golden apple and preparing for the battle that was about to ensue.

The others were down the hillside, attending to their wounds and keeping a guard on the various shadow entities that still surrounded them. They weren't attacking but they weren't yet retreating so their role in the battle was not yet over. Nyx was located in a makeshift hut that Chelcie had set up, with Lisette and Sonja attending to her wound constantly. Tom was pacing outside, his sword swinging menacingly in front of him as he muttered something I couldn't hear from where I was standing. Chelcie were merely observing the shadow entities, her gaze occasionally flickering between Nyx's tent and the tense confrontation that was occurring on the top of the hill. Part of me wished that they would have come up the mountain to help me with this, but another part of me knew that their role in the prophecy was not up there with me. I sighed, darting my gaze back to my opponents.

Mianite smirked, his gaze slicing through my still form and analysing my various wounds that his shadow beings had inflicted before moving his stare onto Caitlin, amusement filling his demonic eyes as he watched her sway – struggling to stand from the sheer pain she was experiencing. I knew that Mianite couldn't be at full power still, the amount of magic he had used during his battle with Caitlin had to have exhausted him even just a minute amount. That was my advantage. I pulled my sword out from its sheath and balanced it's weight in my hand, meeting Mianite's gaze with a steady glare of my own, showing no emotion. If I let my emotions show, they would overwhelm me and I would lose this battle we had fought so hard to survive. So I waited, until Mianite decided he had wasted enough time standing still on a mountainside when his nemesis was a mere three metres away.

"So Jordan. Here we stand on the mountain where it all began all those weeks ago. So much has changed in this realm since then, including your alliance with my followers. I used to think you were such an asset and as much as I want you on my side when this battle ends, when your companions fall, I know as well as you do that you would rather die than stand beside me. You have survived constant onslaughts from both my followers and myself. You stand before me today as the chosen one from the prophecy but are you prepared to play your role?"


My voice was cold and void of emotion as I replied.

"As long as the prophecy is fulfilled then we shall have no problem here. My interpretation of my role in this prophecy you will find is remarkably different to yours."


Confusion flashed briefly in Mianite's eyes before it was again replaced with arrogance, his hand gesturing to Tucker and Caitlin as he spoke again.

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