4 - Maggie!

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Chapter 4

Alyna wakes up with a start at the sound of something breaking. She quickly jumped out of the bed she was in only to trip over the blanket and crash onto the floor with a loud thud. A bit dazed from moving and falling so quickly, Alyna slowly sits up and shakes her head as she tries to stop her head from spinning.

"Oh, good you're awake," Maggie said as she peaked her head into the room, slightly startling Alyna. "There are pancakes by the stove if you are hungry and the bathroom to your left has a fresh pair of clothes that I think will fit you, I'll be downstairs in the cafe if you need anything,"

"T-thanks?" Alyna stuttered as she finally started to remember Maggie and what happened last night. "Guess a shower wouldn't kill me, but what the hell is a pancake?"

Alyna looked to her left and sure enough, there was a door that led to a bathroom. On the counter by the sink was a pair of blue pants and a black top that had a brown and white logo of a cup of coffee over the pocket on the right side of the buttons. There was also a matching pair of undergarments that thankfully were still sealed in plastic and thus unused. Alyna didn't bother to examine the clothes further, she merely undressed before stepping into the shower and turning the handle. The water immediately ran dark as she washed all the blood, sweat, and tears away. Her hair was by far the worst part. It was slightly matted in the back and some dried blood was acting like glue. Guess the rain from last night could only wash away so much. Close to an hour later and the water was finally running clear, Alyna had slowly detangled the matte in her hair with her fingers and a bit of conditioner that was left in there, plus she no longer smelt like death so that was a definite improvement.

After getting dressed and tying her hair up in a ponytail with an elastic she found in one of the drawers under the sink, she picked up her suit and started to rinse it under cold water. Eventually, after some intense scrubbing, the blood stains came out and she hung the suit to dry on the shower's curtain rod. Alyna stepped out of the bathroom and clutched her stomach as it grumbled.

"Guess it wouldn't kill me to try one of those pan-things," Alyna said as she made her way out of the room she woke up in, and walked into a large open room that was decorated with a lot of plants and colorful furniture. Alyna had never seen something so bright and cheerful, it was almost sickening.


She walked past a staircase on the left and a door on the right into what appeared to be a studio-like apartment where the kitchen, dining, and living room were all spread out in one large room. Next to the stove was a plate with tin foil over it which Alyna assumed was the food Maggie said she could eat. She peeled back the tin foil and was met with the most mouth-watering smell she had ever encountered. Alyna didn't even bother to look for a fork and knife and just dived right in and quickly discovered the pancakes tasted even better than they smelled.

Meanwhile back at the Batcave Nightwing was just waking back up after Alyna had knocked him out cold.

"Good morning Master Dick, I'm glad to see you finally awake," Alfred; the butler, said rather expressionlessly as Dick sat up in his bed.

"Alfred? What?" Dick aka: Nightwing groaned as his headache worsened from his sudden movement.

"Last night Masters Jason and Tim dragged you back here, you were knocked unconscious after something hit your head, as I'm sure you can decipher by the headache,"

"Yeah, no I got that part t-thanks, where's Bruce?" Dick asked with a wince as his hand met the bump on his head.

"Master Bruce has been holed up in the cave all morning," Alfred responded before opening the curtains in Dick's bedroom. "Would you like me to make you anything for breakfast?"

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