Chapter 30

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Leigh-Anne was up early the next morning making breakfast for everyone. Something a little special for Perrie.  She wanted to cheer her baby up.

Once she finished she set the food on the table for Jade and Jesy before making Perrie a plate, taking it into their bedroom.

She knocked on the closet door.


"Its mama bubba" Perrie opened the door, hugging Leigh-Anne.

"Good morning, do you want to watch cartoons while you eat?"

"Yes please mama" Perrie sat on the bed. Thanking Leigh-Anne when she put the plate down in front of her.

"Thank you for using your manners bug." Perrie smiled shyly.

"Can you stay with me forever mama? I only want you"

"Sure." Leigh-Anne had some coffee but she didn't eat breakfast yet. She sat beside Perrie before pulling her into her lap and feeding her. She really enjoyed taking care of her babies as much as they like to be taken care of. Maybe even more.

"Can I have milk please?"

"Yes. Come along" Perrie took Leigh-Anne's hand following her into the kitchen. Where Leigh-Anne began looking through the cupboards for their sippys.

"Good morning babes" Jesy tried to give Perrie a kiss and she moved standing behind Leigh-Anne. She pulled Leigh-Anne away when Jesy tried to kiss her.

"Perrie. Why are you doing that bubba?" Perrie completely ignored Jesy hiding her face in Leigh-Anne. In her eyes Jesy was now a threat to her. Because she was in her headspace she didn't know why Jesy was a threat but she knew to stay away.

"Say good morning to amma"  She shook her head, grabbing one of Leigh-Anne's hands. She followed closely behind her to the fridge where she poured her some milk.

"Here baby" she handed her the blue sippy.

"She wants it warm babe" Jesy told Leigh-Anne knowing Perrie didn't drink cold milk unless it was with cereal.

"Do you?" Leigh asked her hybrid who nodded. She microwaved it before checking it and  handing it back to Perrie. She pulled Leigh-Anne back to their bedroom climbing into the bed.

"It's rude for you to ignore her perrie."

"have to. Sorry"

Leigh-Anne sighed. She wanted everyone to be calm and enjoy New York. But she knew that wouldn't happen. She watched Johnny Test with Perrie when a small Jade pushed the door open.

"Morning mama!" She made her way over to the bed to hug Leigh-Anne. Perrie pulled Leigh-Anne into her before pushing Jade away. Perrie was still in her headspace but older. Maybe around seven or eight. Which was out of her normal range but she didn't want to be big right now. 

"No pushing bubba." Jade reminded Perrie trying to hug her.

"I don't like you go away"

"Why you no like me Perrie?"

"Get out"

"I just wanna say hi to mama" Jade pouted

"No. She doesn't want your hi. She doesn't want you! Get out"

"Perrie. That's not nice and it's not true." Leigh-Anne was going to try and sit this one out but she knew that if she didn't say anything Jade would think that it's true.

"Yeah you meany"

"You're the meany because you hurt mama and now she's scared of you"

"Scared of Jade?" She asked Leigh-Anne.

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