Chapter 2- Growing up together

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Few years passed by. After the attempted revolt, the palace dynamics and politics had changed. Sivagami had absolute control over the throne and the kingdom. She was a mother-figure to her subjects. Everyone looked up to her as a protector, so no one else thought about doing any revolt. Another reason was the Mahismati army and personal body guard group headed by Kattapa and his clan members. No body dared to do anything to Sivagami when Kattapa was near her. But someone else was jealous of her and was poisoning the mind of the young child, Bhalladeva, against his cousins, Amarendra and Ayanika Bahubali.

Sivagami knew about this, so was waiting for the opportunity to send them to ashram.

When they were five years, they were playing near a pond which was in the palace compounds. While playing, Bhalla slipped and fell in the pond. Since he didn't know how to swim, he was drowning. When Amarendra saw this, he quickly dived in the pond and tried to pull Bhalla near the shore by hand. Seeing her brother dive in the pond, Ayanika started shouting for help. Then she saw at a distance, curtains were spread out to dry. She quickly went near that area and quickly took a curtain and ran towards the area were both the princes were drowning. She took a stone and tied one end of the curtain to it and threw it near the princes.


They both quickly caught the end and Ayanika started pulling the curtain with all her strength. By that time, Kattapa with other soldiers had reached the area and saw what was happening. He and the soldiers ran and caught the end of the curtain which Ayanika was pulling. Then he indicated two guards to jump into the water pull the princes out.

By then Sivagami along with Bijjaladeva had arrived at the scene. Bijjaladeva quickly ran towards the soldier who bringing Bhalladeva out of water. He quickly took his son in his good arm and started asking him if he is ok? By then the soldier carrying Bahubali had climbed in the shore. He kept Bahubali down on the ground. Ayanika left the curtain and ran towards Bahubali and hugged him.

Sivagami- (Clearing her throat) Kattapa, tell me what happened over here?

Kattapa- I am not exactly sure Maharani. I came running over here with few soldiers when I heard Ayanika screaming for help. The only thing I saw was Ayanika pulling the curtain which the princes were holding.

Sivagami looks at Ayanika and gestures with her eyes.

Ayanika- Rajmata, while playing Bhalla Bhaiya, slipped and fell in the pond. Bahu Bhaiya saw that and jumped in water. I saw Bahu Bhaiya jumping in water, so I started shouting for help. When I saw nobody coming, I looked around and saw curtains kept to dry. So I quickly took one curtain tied it's end to a stone and threw in water near Bhalla Bhaiya and Bahu Bhaiya, asked them to hold the end of the curtain and I started pulling them out. After sometime I heard Kattapa arriving with few soldiers.

Sivagami just smiled after listening to the entire event. She realized that it was going to be time to send them to Gurukul very soon.

Sivagami- (gestures Kattapa) Send the kids to me after sometime.

Then she leaves. 

Ayanika Bahubali- The sister of Amarendra BahubaliWhere stories live. Discover now