1. Clouds

264 20 21

Harry's POV

When stars die, they are scattered to space, to become part of interstellar clouds of gas and dust.

Sometimes I wonder whether mum’s up there too now. I like to believe she’s a cloud now, drifting through space.

I think it’d be pretty cool up there, wouldn’t it?

I’d really like to go to space someday. Maybe I’ll build myself a rocket.

When I was younger and Dad ordered something big for work, I would take the boxes and I’d build a rocket out of it.

I was stupid back then. I didn’t even think of a space suit.

If my rocket would’ve accidentally worked, I for sure would’ve died.

Maybe it would’ve been better that way. Then I’d be with mum now.

Sometimes when I’m under my blanket at night, staring at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling, I think about flying into space without a space suit so I can become a part of mum’s cloud.


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