Hiding scars (4)

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Jennie was having breakfast with Young and y/n, young wouldn't stop trying to hold Jennie's hand even if she would pulled away awkwardly

Jennie: I finish I will watch the dishes

Young: Don't worry about that sweeties Liam can do it

Young gave y/n a dead stare even if she wasn't scared of him she still nodded

Jennie: Is fine I'll do it

Young: No, Liam do it

Y/n stretched her arm so that Jennie could give her the plate

Jennie: Dont worry I will help you

Y/n looked at Young not knowing what to do he simply rolled his eyes so she did what he wanted her to do, you two were helping each other, there was tones of dirty dishes so y/n told Jennie that she will finish them since her hands were getting wrinkles

Jennie: Can I touch your hands?

You nodded

Jennie: Your hand are really soft

Y/n and Jennie were so closed to each other but instead of looking in her eyes or breasts you focus on her hands honestly you didn't understand how your hands looks so perfect even if you did all the rough stuff like washing dishes cutting the trees or stuff that can really damage your hands

Jennie: Liam what's that on your neck?

You touched around your neck and closed your eyes a bit when you realize it was one of the scars that your father had make when he was hitting you

You didn't felt like talking so you looked at the ground

Jennie: Let me see

She was going to placed her hands on your neck but you stopped her you held her hand but since Young was watching he stood up from his seat and grab one of the apple that he had in his head and throw it at your forehead, after the shot Young walked up to you and grabbed you from your collar shirt and throw you away from Jennie


Jong: What's going on?

Young: Liam was touching Jennie inappropriately I saw him

Your teeth gritted and you turned your hand into a fist no matter what you say your father always thinks it's your fault

Jong: Apologize to young and Jennie meet you in the room when you are done

You took a deep breath and looked at your brother in disgust

Y/N: Im sorry brother, Im sorry Jennie

Jennie: y/n you don't need to apologize you did nothing

Y/N: Im very very sorry

Young was telling you to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness you knew because of his face and hand gestures you knew what he wanted to hear

Y/N: Im sorry I touch you inappropriately and Im sorry brother this is all my fault I deserve punishment

You stood up and went to your father , you already know what you expect there

Your arms were in pain and you couldn't go to your room to cry you will have to swallow your tears, but you did went to the bathroom and tried not to scream while you were trying to stop the blood from coming out, you took off your shirt and saw your back full of scars, you carefully put on your shirt since it hurt with any physical contact you have, you splash some water on your face and walked out of the bathroom like if nothing has happened

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