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The sings of the birds woke you up, you wanted to choke those birds for waking you up but the other side of you was glad they did because Rose hands was placed on your breast, you didn't notice last night that Rose came to sleep with you

You carefully remove her hands from your breast and went to go shower, you brushed your teeth and put on some comfy clothes since you didn't felt like going outside but that did ruined your plans when you suddenly got a notification for tzuyu telling you that she wanted to meet up with you, you gladly accepted and went back to the bathroom to change

You carefully remove her hands from your breast and went to go shower, you brushed your teeth and put on some comfy clothes since you didn't felt like going outside but that did ruined your plans when you suddenly got a notification for tzuyu tell...

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Jisoo: Where are you going looking like that?

Y/N: With a girl

Lisa: Can I come?

Y/N: Im sorry, no

Jisoo: I told you..

Lisa: Shut up

You shut the door the way out, you walked to the location that tzuyu had send you and finally you went inside a restaurant that did look quite exclusive and beautiful sadly you didn't bring your wallet, you couldn't walk back anymore since it would take another 30 minutes

Y/N: You said we were meeting in a park

Tzuyu: Sorry this was a surprise

Y/N: Im glad it is cause I haven't ate anything, but I didn't bring my wallet

Tzuyu: Is alright I'll pay

Y/N: You sure? I do eat a lot

Tzuyu: Sit down you order what you want

Y/N: Mm alright

The waiter came and gave you both a menu and took each other orders you didn't order a lot since the prices were too expensive

Y/N: Dont you think it could be better in private?

Tzuyu: yeah but we can just go out as friends, right?

Y/N: Sure, Why didn't you bring a jacket?

Tzuyu: Oh cause I didn't think I needed one

Y/N: You want mine don't you?

Tzuyu: Yeah..

You chuckled and took of your jacket you stood up and put it around Tzuyu shoulders and gave her a quick kiss in her forehead, you realized your scars were fading which put a smile on your face

Y/N: Look

You show her your arms and she smiled

Tzuyu: Im glad is healing

Y/N: Me too

Tzuyu: Liam, I wanted to know if you.. if you are willing to try something with me

Y/N: What is it?

Tzuyu: The kiss, I have never fallen for someone so fast Liam you're special to me

Y/N: oh..

Y/n didn't knew whether she was happy or not, one side of her was happy but the other was feeling empathy for her cause y/n didn't have any feelings well she can't say she doesn't when she really doesn't know

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