Break up (10)

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As soon as we arrive to Liam girlfriend "house" I was impressed of how beautiful the building was. I bet the room looks amazing this apartment must cost millions

Tzuyu: LIAM!?

Y/N: Hey

My heart beats one again, my eyes open wide when I realized that it was Tzuyu from twice I really thought it wasn't going to be her but shit I'm impressed, I can see why Liam would pick her over me, she's way more talented then me and perfect

Y/N: This is Rose from bla-

Tzuyu: Blackpink, WOW nice to meet you I'm Liam girlfriend

Rose: Yes I know he doesn't stop talking about you so I wanted to meet you

Tzuyu: He's such a sweetheart oh come on in I made some food, the member aren't here they went to practice, they are going to take Hours there

Rose: Yes being an idol is not easy

Tzuyu: Of course is not but we have to do what we can to get our paycheck

Rose: Yeah

Tzuyu: Bae come sit next to me

Y/N: Ok

Tzuyu: Well if y'all want y'all can start eating

Liam took a bite of the food, he's eyes widen with a smile he continue eating while he got some food in his lips

Y/N: Mm so good

Tzuyu: Liam raise your chin up

Tzuyu turned Liam head and kissed him.. my heart sinked, I can't handle this

Y/N: Thank you

Tzuyu: Rose do you like it?

Rose: Yea of course it's delicious

Tzuyu: Dont lie you haven't taken a bite of the food

Rose: Im not that hungry me and a Liam already ate

Tzuyu: Really?

Y/N: Mmh we went on a.. date not in a weird way of course but her choreographer was there

Rose: Liam is an amazing dancer you should have seen him how he moves

Tzuyu: Im sure he is, his body

Rose: Wait y'all have done it before?

Tzuyu: No but I was hoping that we may have done it today

Rose: Oh I think is time for me to leave

Y/N: Ok

No one POV:

Rose had left y/n turned to look at Tzuyu who was taking one last piece of her food before placing her fork in her plate, she got closer to you and got on top of you

Y/N: Tzuyu- what are you doing?

Tzuyu: Dont act like you don't want this

Y/N: Tzuyu.. there's something I need to tell you

Tzuyu: What is it?

Y/N: I Um..I can't be with you

Tzuyu: Wait why not? I like you a lot

Y/N: I know but It's personal I don't want to hurt you

Tzuyu: What can hurt me? You are the one hurting me by telling me this

Y/N: Im sorry, my father won't let me be with you

Tzuyu: Who cares what your parents says you're a men now you make your own decisions, don't a be a daddy boy

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